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Our street has always been a pretty lonely one. Everyone residing nearby just tended to keep to themselves. That's until the new girl moved in.

It had been ten years that my family had lived in our home, and in ten years, the house across the street had always remained empty, and yet untouched. But on this particular Saturday, I found myself drawn to my bedroom window by a large commotion outside. Standing outside of the empty house were two large white vans and a family of four, three of them, resembling a mother, father and son, discussed excitedly, but the forth, a girl about my age stood apart from her family and glared at her new house with reluctance.

Finally, the mother, father and son entered the house, but the girl just stood outside. Suddenly, she turned around and smiled, then winked at me through the window. Embarrassed, I looked away but she continued to stare until eventually following her family inside.


We all sat at the dinner table in an awkward silence. My mom suddenly stopped eating and gave my dad a glare.
"So, there's a new family across the street," My dad began, breaking the silence. I nodded.
"We should invite them for dinner once they're settled in." He finished.
"Yeah." I replied, returning to my meal.

When I finished my dinner, I returned upstairs and sat at my desk, facing the window, staring at the house next door. Suddenly, the window light up and the curtains opened. The girl from earlier stared through, and for a short moment, her dark eyes stayed locked into mine, and her blank expression rose into a smile. I lowered my head shyly as she stood up and wandered away, flicking off the light.

For a while, I sat at my desk, deep in thought, occasionally checking the house across the street for signs of the new girl. But the window remained dark, and I eventually fell into a deep sleep, stretched over my desk.


Author's note: Hi folks, I hope that you enjoyed this first chapter. Feel free to comment what you think of it and once again thanks for reading! xxx

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