Back to school

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I didn't talk to Stevie for the next two weeks before school started. Though I would occasionally see her here and there, usually with the guy from the party.

On the first day of school, I tried to keep to myself, all until first period, when I stepped into maths class. I was somehow late for my first lesson, as the classroom's door had already been closed, and I could hear the teacher commanding from the other side. I knocked hesitantly, and a short, slender man opened, staring at me through his strong rectangular glasses.

"And you are?" He asked in his awkwardly squeaky voice.
"Allison Hills, sorry for being late." I muttered.
"Fine, don't do it again. Go sit down." He squealed

I looked around at the staring classroom, and began to walk to the only empty seat. The girl beside me sat cross-legged, her head low in her notebook. It was only when I sat down that the she looked up and smiled, and to my horror, I realized it was Stevie.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, though it came out louder than I'd hoped, stopping the math teacher's long monologue.
"Miss Hills, you haven't created a great impression on your first day now have you? What's the matter." He asked, directing the class' attention to me. Stevie laughed a little.

"Is there any way that I can change seats sir?" I asked desperately
"No, certainly not, these seats are fixed for the rest of the year." He muttered angrily, then proceeded to continue his talk.

Stevie continued to scribble on her notebook, and when I glanced, I found the page drowned in one name, scribbled into a thousand poorly sketched hearts, 'Simon', the guy from the party.

Stevie seemed to be trying to make me pay attention to the doodles, as she slowly moved closer to me, practically nudging me with her notebook. But I kept my eyes up, not giving in to her annoying insistence.

After my last period, I went to get my books from my locker, but found Stevie and Simon cuddling over the door. I came closer, and Stevie kissed Simon, then smiled cheekily.
"Oops, sorry Ally, we didn't realize this was your locker." Simon said, barely breaking eye contact with Stevie.

I tried to ignore them for the first week of school. It felt like I was going crazy, because I wanted to tell Stevie to stop trying to make me jealous, because I was over her. But I so wasn't. And it was so hard to admit that when she seemed happy.
By second week, she started to look less happy. She smiled less, she was paler than ever, with dark circles beneath her eyes, she stopped doodling about Simon in her maths book, and whenever I passed them and Simon tried to kiss her, she would just stare at me, and push him away.

At the end of the week, Hannah approached me, with chirpy expression as usual.
"Hey Ally, I'm having a party at my house tonight with a few others, so you can come if you want." She said
"Yeah sure, I'd like that." I replied.

I arrived at the party a little late, and everyone was sat in a circle playing truth or dare, everyone being Hannah, Brittany, Danny, Ali, Stevie and Simon. I sat amongst them all, listening to all of their typical dares.
When it was Danny's turn, he looked around silently, then cautiously glared at Stevie.
"Stevie, truth or dare?" He asked
"Dare." She said, sitting back casually into Simon's embrace.
"I dare you, to kiss the hottest person in the room." He said

Simon puckered up, but Stevie slowly scooted forwards, shifting his arm off the edge of her shoulder. She turned back towards Simon, who sat with his eyes shut, smiling confidently. But Stevie then turned back away, and towards me. She closed her eyes, and gently kissed me. I tried not to kiss her back, slightly lost. But when I noticed Simon's confused expression, I shut my eyes, grabbed her cheek, and kissed her back lovingly. Our kiss felt longer than before, more passionate than before.

Finally, Simon pulled Stevie back
"What the fuck?" He yelled
Stevie maintained eye contact with me, looking slightly bewildered towards her own actions.
Simon stood up and ran outside, Stevie following desperately. I felt bad for Simon, yet couldn't help but smile.

Author's note: Hi folks, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I know it was longer than usual, I hope that's okay. Thanks xxx

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