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I slowly opened my eyes, having forgotten where I had last fallen asleep. I was sat on a green plastic chair, in a brightly light hall, alone. Initially, I panicked, until I remembered. The police station. I had left early that morning, not willing to run into Stevie on the way there. Things just kept on complicating in our relationship, and I began to wonder if there was any point in choosing such a drama-filled life.

I looked at my watch, 6:45 AM, I hadn't been there long. A suited man came marching around the corner. 

"Ally Hills?" He asked, I nodded, my throat so dry, I could barely squeak in reply.

I followed him into a small room, a bright neon flickered over a desk, he sat on one side, and I took the seat opposite him. We were silent as he flicked through his files.

"So, Miss Hills, first of all, I'm sorry for your loss," He began

"Don't be, it wasn't much of a loss...", I lied, somewhat, I could still picture him there, laying shirtless beside Stevie, smiling smugly.

"And I just spoke to Stevie to hear her side of the story, what's your take on last night's events?" He continued.

"Wait... You talked to Stevie? She's here already?"

He paused, then nodded encouragingly, as if to get me to cooperate. I thought about Stevie, somewhere nearby, hiding whichever truth I hadn't heard. 

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now..." I said, getting up, and leaving, dropping the door of the interrogation room behind me. I sped down the hall, little intention as to where I was heading. Until, at the end of the hall, a girl was sat in a plastic chair, hair covering her face, head lowered. I walked a little faster, she was hovering over her lap, picking at her nail polish, chips of black paint flicking onto the floor. As my footsteps slowed down to tip-toes, she raised her gaze. We held a moment of eye contact.

"Stevie... Stevie what happened last night?" I stuttered, unsure as to where to start. She stood up, then collapsed at my feet, weeping. I knelt down, tucking her hair behind her ear, away from her tear-soaked face. She stared back regretfully.

"I went over to apologise... But there was something really different about Simon. But then he started to kiss me, and I pushed him away, and he took off his shirt... And pulled me into his bedroom, and he tried to... But then he passed out on the bed... And..."

"But, Stevie, you didn't do anything wrong. It was all his fault." I interrupted

"The thing is..."

"Stevie, it's okay, I understand."

"I didn't fight back." She said, her eyes low and tear-filled "And after he'd passed out, I saw his phone was buzzing... And someone had been telling him to do it, to keep us apart, to kill himself and make us feel bad, he was threatened."

"But who?" My voice cracked, "Who would do that?", Stevie shrugged weakly, still sniffling every couple of breaths.

I lifted her chin, kissing her, "It wasn't your fault Stevie, I'm not mad." I whispered

Author's note: Sorry for keeping you guys waiting! I hope that you're enjoying where this story is going, if you have any advice or ideas, let me know. Thanks for the votes reads and comments. Oh and @Djpetho if you're reading, I just saw got like 15 notifications in a row of you voting on chapters of this story, so thanks a bunch for your devotion!

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