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I waited in silence, deciding what to say, all eyes on me.

"Wh... Where did you get that?" I asked

"I found it in the mailbox when I got home from work. Ally, what is this?" Mom answered, while dad sat in silence

"Simon." I muttered under my breath.

"I don't know... I have to go." I lied, running upstairs to my room.

I searched through the contacts on my phone, and somehow, Simon was in there. Without hesitating, I called.

"Oh hey there Ally!" He cried cheerfully

"What's wrong with you? Putting your posters all around the school was more than enough, but giving them to my parents. Geez Simon, you've really outdone yourself this time." I hissed, while watching Stevie's house from the window. I could see the faint outline of Stevie, through her closed curtain, slamming her bedroom door, and collapsing onto her bed, he must've sent it to her parents too.

"Why don't you come over and we can make a deal?" he asked calmly

"Deal? There's no deal to be made. I don't owe you shit." I said, raising my voice.

"We'll see about that. Be at my place in a half hour." He commanded, hanging up.

I lay back on my bed, trying to figure out what Simon wanted. Suddenly, my phone rang, it was Stevie.

"Ally, did your parents get it too?" She asked, her voice shaking, she must've been crying because I'd never heard her sound that way

"Yeah they did. Don't worry though, I'm gonna sort it out, it's gonna be fine." I insisted

"Sure, maybe you can get Simon off our backs, but my mom and dad are going crazy, there's no way I can lie to them now."

"It'll be okay, I promise. I've got to go to Simon's now, but I'll see you soon." I insisted, hanging up.

Minutes later, I was heading down the street to Simon's house, one noticeably bigger than the other houses on the block, he must be compensating for something.

There he was, sat on his front lawn, a wide grin spending across his face. He patted the grass beside him, gesturing for me to sit down.

"I'd rather stand." I muttered, me shrugged his shoulders, still smiling, "Simon, what do you want from me?" I asked

"I want you to make your intentions clear." 

"Wow those are some big words coming from a little brain. What do you want from me?"

"Do you pretend to hate me because you like me, so you're using Stevie to make me jealous?" He asked smugly

"No Simon, I hate you because Stevie chose me, and you still haven't gotten over that."

"Did she really choose you though? Then why are you so ashamed to have those posters hanging around? Why do I never see you two out together? Ally, it's obvious, you just want me to join, but trust me, I'm so over her." He said proudly

"Oh my god, you're so full of yourself. We're just fine together."

"Well then prove it. Either you tell the whole school that you freaks are dating, make the whole deal clear, or, I'll continue to ruin every moment of your so called relationship." He said, obviously proud of his own formulation, he stretched out his hand, suggesting I shake it, but I slapped it out of my way, walking back to my house.

Fine, Simon wants people to know, they'll know.

Author's note: I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry if it's a bit boring but I guess I sort of need an interval between this chapter and the next. Thanks for all of the kind comments xxx

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