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I woke up to Stevie facing me, her eyes wide and apologetic. I turned to face the wall, but she pulled me back to face her.
She gazed into my eyes, her lips slightly parted, and eventually smiled.

"What? What do you want?" I asked
"I... You're..." She began
"You can just stop messing with me now." I said, unforgivingly
"What are you talking about?" She asked, with a helpless expression
"I thought you liked me. The way you held my hand. The way you stared into my eyes. And kissed me... But..."
"Ally, I do. I do like you."
"Then why did you mess it all up?"

She lay silent. Obviously in deep thought.
"Ally. I don't remember where I went wrong." She whispered, "I honestly have not memory of a fight or tension."
"Yeah, you don't remember making out with that dude at the party last night? Just forget it. You can just go home now. I let you sleep over because you were drunk, but now you can go home."
Her face dropped in recollection. She leaned over and kissed my cheek sadly, whispering into my ear "I'm sorry."
She got up and left, her head held low, and snuck downstairs and outside.

I spent the day angered, I should've listened to Clay. She just wanted to mess me up.
That evening, just after dinner, I sat down on the porch, the sun setting, lighting the street a warm shade of orange. I then looked up at Stevie's window, and she stared down, her eyes red from tears. She forced a smile, and closed her blinds, leaving her room.

To my surprise, their door then opened, and she walked out, sadly, avoiding eye contact. She slowly approached me and sleekly sat on the step beside me. We sat in silence, I stared into the distance, Stevie facing me, and staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"Ally, I'm sorry, I really am."
"Oh I'm sure you are." I replied in a sarcastic tone
"I just get drunk, then I do stupid things, that's it. I keep hurting people, and I really don't mean to, it just happens. And this time I really messed up."
"You're damn right."
"But I really like you Ally." She whispered sadly. I sat in silence, avoiding eye contact. She stood up, head lowered, and slowly began to leave.

Finally, I glanced at her, and she stared back, her hair pulled over one side of her face by the gentle breeze. I stood, and she stopped. I slowly walked up to her, until we stood face to face. And rather than thinking about how angry I was, my mind drifted into my wild fantasies, imagining her dark eyes lost in mine, her hand rested in mine, her smile drowned in mine. And inside, I forgave her.

She kept her head low, occasionally glancing at my smile, slightly perplexed.
"You like me?" I whispered
Her eyes flicked up into mine and she nodded.
"Prove it."
Slowly, but steadily, she placed her smooth hand, black painted nails, onto my cheek, and kissed me. After a short moment, she stopped and stepped back, but I pulled her back towards me, kissing her forgivingly, her lips smiled against mine, and when she eventually let go and I stepped back. Behind her, in the downstairs window of her house, stood Clay, bewildered by the whole scene. But his face dropped into disappointment, and he simply shook
his head in an unforgiving manor, and all I could do in response was smile.

Author's note: Hi folks! I'm sorry it took me so long to post this chapter, but I've been super busy with my studies and other writing. Anyhow, I really hope that you enjoy this chapter and thanks for all the support xxx

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