'Queer my dear?'

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We spent the end of the Christmas holidays together, meeting every evening for another adventure. School began, and all seemed fine until lunch time.

I went to my locker, practically ignoring my surroundings, until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around. Stevie stared at me with great concern in her dark eyes. 

"What are we gonna do about this?" She asked

"What are you talking about?" I asked, laughing at her seriousness 

"Haven't you seen? Look around," She said sadly. I dropped my books in my locker and turned around, I gasped. Down the entire hall hung hundreds of home-printed posters, on which there was a photo of me and Stevie making out. Beneath the picture was written, in large print, 'QUEER MY DEAR?'.

Suddenly, Simon came running up the hall, carrying a stack of the same posters, smirking as he tossed them into every student's arms, most of them laughed, staring down the hall at us, some pointing, others just looked away.

During fifth period, the principal announced that Stevie and I were to go to his office, our class stared in silence, until Simon perked up "Ooh, principal Holloway's into that kinda stuff.", the class snickered as we left in silence. I followed Stevie, who walked quickly ahead, obviously angry. She turned back and clutched my hand, stopping for a moment. She placed her hand on my cheek, my head lowered, "Hey, Simon will pay for this, don't you worry." She insisted, I smiled back weakly, until she returned to her fast pace.

We entered the small office, where principal Holloway sat behind his dark wood desk, one of Simon's posters scrunched up in his fist. He watched us as we sat down, clearing his throat.

"I'm sure you girls have encountered these posters today. After all, they're everywhere." He said, stretching out his poster. We nodded. "So is it true, what they're telling us?" He asked. I looked at Stevie, and without turning towards me she snatched the crumpled poster

"Yes sir, sure is." She said, I smiled slightly at her pride.

"So you're... Uhh... And you are aware that you can get help for your little... Imbalances..." I tried to interrupt him but her continued "In fact, I even know a trained doctor who can cure both of you." I clenched my fists, but Stevie gently placed her hand on my knee and leaned closer to the old man.

"Thanks for your concern, but we're perfectly balanced. Have a nice day." She said passive aggressively, before standing up and leaving, I followed. 

She from left the main entrance of the school, and, holding hands, we walked home. 

When it was about time for my parents to get home, I left Stevie's and went home across the road. I entered quietly, my parents were both sat at the table, holding hands, looking concerned

"Hey?" I said hesitantly

My mom stretched out a scrunched up piece of paper, glaring at me darkly. As she unraveled it, I realised that it was Simon's poster.

"Ally, what's this?" She asked, her voice shaking. My dad lowered his head the way he does when I get a bad report card.

"Well shit."

Author's note: Hi folks, I know it's been I while but I moved house and had no wifi for a while, so I'm really sorry I didn't update. Also, I just published a new story named 'After the Storm', so if you're enjoying this one, and are looking for a similar type of story, be sure to check it out, I've been working really hard on it. Again, thanks for everything xxx

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