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The next day, the posters were everywhere; on the walls down the halls, in the bathrooms on the stalls, even in some kids lockers. Stevie and I kept apart, sitting alone at a distance in the cafeteria. Simon was sat with all of his friends from the football team, I watched him intensely, barely touching my food; he was gonna make his move. 

Suddenly, a petite blonde girl sat beside me, smiling awkwardly over a notepad, her grin abnormally wide. She coughed slightly to get my attention, I ignored her, she coughed again, and I stared at her, confused.

"Is it true, what everyone's saying? Are you... I'm not sure how to put this... Are..." Her face reddened, "Are you gay? Because we run a GSA group every Tuesday, so you can come check it out if you're interested." She said, carefully

"Oh no... I'm not umm... I'm not gay, it's not true what they're saying." I lied, truthfully I wasn't ready for anyone to know, but I guess they'd find out for themselves soon. She girl nodded understandingly, then walked away to a small table, sat amongst a conversing group.

I turned back to Simon, who was now up and walking towards the opposite end of the cafeteria, where Stevie was sat with a lowered head. He sat down beside her, smirking before silently whispering into her ear, she slid down the bench but he followed.

"So Stevie, is it true what they're staying?" Simon shouted, silencing the cafeteria, everyone watched in shock, "Is it true that you and Ally are dating?" his words were gradually slowing down into almost sarcastic mocking. "Is it true that you're just some filthy little dy..." I shot up, running across the room towards Simon, I stared at him intensely.

"Ooh look, your little girlfriend's come to the rescue!" He exclaimed

"Shut your mouth." I yelled, he stepped closer, then slapped me hard across the face

"I ain't gonna let some worthless woman tell me what to do." He pronounced, and before I could even think of a response, Stevie stood up, and from behind threw a hard punch into Simon's ribs, he collapsed, curled up on the floor.

"Don't you ever speak to Ally like that." She yelled, the rest of the students were now crowded around us, all still phased by the whole scene. Simon got back up, gently whimpering.

"Stevie, what's happened to you?" He cried

"I don't know, guess I'm in love."

"But you broke my fucking heart." He whimpered

"Simon, we were never even dating, we just fooled around a little. And trust me, it meant nothing to me." She said, and every word seemed to physically hurt Simon, a tear tolled down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it off on his shoulder. I felt bad now, but Stevie just smiled lightly.

"You and Ally aren't even going out though." He whined 

"If we're not going out then what's this?" I replied, stepping towards Stevie and kissing her. The whole crowd gasped. When I pulled away, Simon began to limp away in shame. Poor guy. 

The other students eventually returned to their seats and there I stood facing Stevie

"Nicely played Hills." 

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