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There I awoke, sat on the cold plastic chair beside Stevie's bed. She lay awake, chuckling at my tired expression.
"You feeling any better?" I asked
She nodded sadly, then patted the bed beside her
"Would you care to join?" She asked
"I'd be honored" I replied smiling

I crawled onto the bed beside her, and we lay still, in silence, her body warming mine.
Suddenly, the nurse walked in, and gave me a strange stare.
"Miss Boebi, I'm pleased to say that you're free to go this afternoon, as soon as we're sure you're okay." She said, then walked out awkwardly.
I turned back and stared into Stevie's warm smile, and she slipped her hand into mine, fingers interlocked.

I then took a deep breath, and turned to face her, hands rested in between us. She smiled, but I stared back with a serious look
"Why did you do this to yourself?" I asked
"Because I knew that it was either you or Simon, and I didn't want to hurt Simon because... I chose..." She began, eyes filling with tears, I interrupted her, leaning closer and kissing her.

"I chose you." She said
She then leaned back in and kissed me again, suddenly, the door flew open, and Simon walked in. His face went pale
"What. The. Fuck. Ally." He muttered
"It's not what it looks like." Stevie insisted
"Oh I know exactly what it is. It's fine, I came to support you, but obviously you've got enough support." He said, leaving, slamming the door.
I let go of Stevie's hand and began to get off the bed.

"Wait..." She pleaded, I turned back, "I chose you." She said. I smiled, she smiled back, then pulled me back into bed beside her.

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