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Stevie and I didn't see each other the next day, or the day after that. I started to wonder if she regretted the kiss, or if she just didn't know what move to make next. And I must've spent at least a couple of hours staring from my window, hoping that she would pull the curtain of hers and know that I was there. But as hours went by, I began to realize that I was waisting my time.

I woke up in the middle of the night, stretched across my desk, to a loud bang coming from outside. I waited a couple of seconds, until the bang repeated, coming from outside. I opened the window, and there stood Stevie, smiling with a fistful of pebbles in hand. I stared at her confusedly, but she just gestured for me to come down.

I rushed down the stairs, my heart beating wildly on my chest. As I stepped out, Stevie stood still, smiling slightly. We stood a couple of feet apart, silent. Suddenly, Stevie pulled her messenger bag up over her shoulder, and stretched out her hand. I clutched it hesitantly, and she continued to smile excessively.

"What... What is it? What are we doing?" I asked nervously, but she lifted her finger and pressed it against her lips, shushing me. Then, in a brisk motion, she tightened her grip to my hand, and began to run down the street. At first, I stumbled behind her reluctantly, but then began to follow with just as much joy as herself. She stared back, the flashing yellow street lights lighting her face a faded shade of jasmine.

After a while running, we stopped on a bridge, and Stevie lowered herself, slipping her legs over the edge, and clinging onto the barrier. I sat down beside her, and she smiled at me.
"This is really beautiful, but what are we doing here?" I asked, she then pulled a bottle of vodka from her bag, and offered it to me, I shook my head, and she took a short sip.
"I brought you here to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend, Allison Hills."

I thought for a moment. Then looked into her dark eyes, which glared back wildly. I lowered my head in deep thought, and she placed her finger beneath my chin, pulling in up and staring at me, worried.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." She said, pulling my face closer to hers. She gently kissed me, her mouth burning mine with the taste of liquor. I understood what was going on.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, and she smiled once again.
"Maybe. On love." She replied in a corny tone, proving that she was far from sober.
"No Stevie, I'm not gonna accept your drunk offer, thanks." I said reluctantly, for I knew that she would regret it when she was sober.

She then stood up, and staggered down the bridge.
"Fine, I'll just find myself someone who really loves me." She said, making her way towards the city.

I returned to my house, immediately regretting my decision, I would never be with the girl with the dreams. Maybe I didn't deserve her.

I continued to stare front bedroom window, making sure that Stevie would get home okay. But when an hour later her room lit up, she wasn't alone. Through the silhouette behind the curtain, she stood beside some guy, and when I squinted closer, I began to realize it was the guy from the party. They began to make out, Stevie throwing herself onto him, as if she had nothing left to lose. It was my fault.

I tried not to look, but with occasional glances I began to comprehend the situation. First they were standing in the doorway, then on the windowsill, then the bed, then she was pulling her shirt off and he did the same. I was so angry. I felt betrayed. I felt lost knowing that I didn't mean as much to Stevie as she did to me.

Author's note: Hi folks! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, thanks again for all the support, and I'm sorry that it's been taking me so long to update. xxx

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