Fights and Fear

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The party ended in an awkward silence, saturated in Simon's shouts and Stevie's pleading, coming from the porch.
"Right, well you guys should probably all head home now..." Hannah whispered over the noise.
We all nodded and left our separate ways.

That night, I lay restless, my sleep disturbed by deep thoughts and questions. I waited by my window for an explanation from Stevie, but she never came back that night.

Back at school, Stevie and Simon were still together, but I could tell that their relationship now was different, that things would never go back to as they were.


Stevie continued to look sicker day by day. Until one day, during maths class, her name was called during register, but there was no reply. We all looked around in silence, then moved on.

As soon as the bell rang, I sprinted down the hall towards Simon. He stood staring at his feet, pretending not to notice me.
"Simon?" I asked, but he ignored me
"Simon, where's Stevie?" I repeated, and he lifted his head upon hearing her name.
"Dunno, we had a fight last night, so she's probably just at home eating ice cream and crying about her wannabe girlfriend." He said loud and sarcastic

Suddenly, my heart sank, and a feeling of fear took over my body.
"What did she say before you left?" I asked
"You know, just goodbye..." He said pensively, my worried tone obviously changing his attitude.
I knew something wasn't right.

I ran outside, and sat in my car, unsure as to whether I was just exaggerating. Suddenly, my phone began to ring, I picked it up immediately
"Hello?" I asked nervously, the line was silent for a moment.
"... I... I didn't know who else to call." Said Stevie
"Stevie, what's going on, where are you?"
"... B... Because I'm scared... Because when I feel this way, I know what could happen. And you know, I'm juggling between the two of you, but I have to choose, and I know who to choose, but I'm too scared... And I can't take it..." She began
"Stevie, are you okay? Where are you?"
"I'm... I'm at home, in the bathroom." She said
"Yeah, hold that thought, I'll be there in a minute." I said,
"Okay." She replied weakly

I drove as fast as I could towards her house, leaping out and through her open door. I raced up the stairs, my heart beating nervously
"Stevie?" I called
"Stevie?" I repeated

I continued to speed down the hall, and stopped before the bathroom door
"Stevie?" I yelled louder
I knocked, no reply. I then shoved the door open, and there lay Stevie, still, and covered in blood, her eyes dark, and skin pale.
"Stevie..." I said, my voice fading, she turned towards me, and smiled sadly
"I think I made a mistake." She said, raising her weak arm, revealing a deep slit down her wrist. I jumped forwards, and grabbed her wrist tight, reducing the blood flow.
She stared at me lovingly, then shut her eyes.

"911 what's your emergency?"

Author's note: Hi folks, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for all the lovely comments, reads and rates xxx

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