Weaker than we thought

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For a while, it had finally felt as though me and Stevie could be together normally. Simon kept to himself, people at school got used to us holding hands in the halls, and passing notes in class. But it wasn't long before the messed up reality of our utopia was revealed.

I woke up to my phone ringing, my alarm said 5:00 am, so I knew that something wasn't right. 

"Hello?" I groaned, Stevie's breath was loud over the phone, 

"Ally?" She whispered, her voice dry and shaking, "Ally... It wasn't my fault... I came to apologise... It wasn't my fault... And he passed out... Ally... I think he's dead..."

I waited for an explanation, but she said nothing, her sharp breaths occasionally interrupting the silence. "Stevie, what are you talking about? Who's dead?" I asked calmly

"Simon... I went to go apologise... But now he's... and I think he's killed himself..." She wept 

"Where are you now Stevie?" I said, my voice cracking

"At Simon's. Please. Come. Now." 

I ran down the street, fast as I could, terrified by the thought of what I might soon see. I stopped at Simon's house, the door was wide open, drifting back and forth in the breeze. I walked briskly down the hall, towards the only open room. Stevie was crouched in the corner, whining inaudibly, half of her face dark, the other glowing in the streetlight that beamed through the window. I peered reluctantly at the bed, where Simon lay shirtless, eyes open, still, lifeless. At his side, a half empty bottle of pills, tipped onto his white sheets. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I muttered to myself

"DO SOMETHING!" Stevie shrieked, her eyes red with tears. 

I pulled out my phone, hands shaking, calling 911

"Hello... I... I need an ambulance... I think he's killed himself..." The reply of the operator was now inaudible, blocked out by a screeching in my ears. I screamed, then fell to the ground.

I woke up in an ambulance, still outside of Simon's house, a nurse holding an ice pack to my forehead. Stevie stood outside, wrapped in a blanket, surrounded by officers and flashes of blue and red. I listened closely, trying to recall what had happened. 

"No. I don't know where his parents are. They're not home. I tried to knock but the door flung open. And we... But then he passed out." I heard in her muffled voice.

A stretcher rolled out, but not the normal kind. The corpse was covered head to toe by a crisp white sheet, and the ambulance men were slow, heads low. 

We were told to go home, but to come to the police station the next morning to explain what had happened. I snuck back through my window, and lay in bed for a restless hour. Suddenly, one thought raced through my mind. I called Stevie, she picked up immediately. I didn't bother say hello.

"Why was he shirtless? What happened before he died, Stevie? Why were you even there?"

"I..." She paused for a while. 

I hung up.

Author's note: Helloooo! It's been a while because I wasn't sure where this was gonna go. But now I have a better idea and hopefully you'll enjoy it. Thanks or so many votes, reads, comments, or just showing a general interest, it's so encouraging xxx

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