Chapter 19: Alagaesia

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           A thunder of dragons appeared from within a cloud as their big colorful bodies contrasted with the light blue sky and the light from the sun sparkled on their scales, creating a multitude of colors, like a rainbow. One of the dragons released a loud roar which announced their arrival and the flap of their powerful wings could be heard from afar. The sun warmed the riders as they flew on the back of their dragons, others talking with each other and others looking at the big, ancient trees of the great forest below them.

             The land was fertile, allowing many species of trees to grow and the forest was only interrupted by a sudden rocky cliff, and a massive river that flowed there. The river begun from Alagaesia and ended in the sea that they had just crossed. It's name was Edda River. A memory came to Eragon of a scene that had occurred almost ten years ago, as Eragon left Alagaesia, to build Du Skulblaka Ramr, the new Dragon city. He saw with his mind again, as he left Alagaesia and everything and everyone he knew in search of a his new home, not knowing when or even if, he will see them again, on board of the Talita, the exact same ship that was traveling below them at the moment.

             Eragon was still impressed by the size of the Talita, the ship being able to easily take two small dragons on board or one large one. The elves were trying their hardest to keep the ship at a quick speed, as they paddled their way towards Alagaesia. The ship was completely white, sung by the elves over a long period of time. Every detail of the ship was perfectly made, and the hull of the ship easily pierced the waters of the Edda river. The ship had three big masts upon which were three white sails, which depicted a big red dragon.

             The riders had just finished crossing the sea and they were now slowly following the path of the river with the goal of reaching Alagaesia by the end of the day. The blue dragon made a flying pirouette to show her flying prowess and the other dragons quickly followed her example. Eragon grabbed the spike in front of him to maintain his balance as Saphira made another flying maneuver that turned his view upside down. He was wearing a light blue shirt and his favorite pair of brown pants and his sword, Brisingr, was strapped on his hip. A thoughtful expression was on his face and he kept rubbing his right hand, indicating that he was anxious.

"Eragon, for the last time, there is no point in what you are doing! You are making my scales itch with your anxiety!" Saphira said louder than necessary as she was beginning to worry for Eragon's well being.

"I'm sorry Saphira but I can't help it. You heard the prophecy as well as I did, and it clearly stated that I will not be able to return to Alagaesia!".

           An image came to Eragon's mind, a shop full of plants and herbs, Angela the herbalist with her long frizzy hair and her short stature saying a word that described his life.

"Wyrda!" she had shouted. A word of the ancient language. A word that revealed his destiny. The Dragon bones had rolled, and Eragon looked with anxiety as the dragon bones rolled on the table, turning and turning and slowly, very slowly, stopped deciding his fate. He listened once again at the prophecy, predicting his long life, his freedom to choose his own fate, the death of Brom, and the betrayal by a family member. Each and every one of these had been fulfilled, one way or the other. Even the epic romance had somewhat been fulfilled, by him meeting Arya and then traveling and spending time with her. They had grown close over this time and there was no doubt in his heart that she was the women he loved, even if the so called epic romance did not have the ending he would have liked.

"Look closely at this bone. You can see how its end rests on that of the sailing ship. That is impossible to misunderstand. Your fate will be to leave this land forever. Where you will end up I know not but you will never again stand in Alagaësia. This is inescapable. It will come to pass even if you try to avoid it... The phrase that had haunted his dreams lately, the phrase that he was worrying about.

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