Chapter 36: Edur Ithindra

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             A cold wind howled from the gray cloudy sky, trying to freeze everything in it's path. Four dragons, Saphira, Firnen, Gadaroth and Arget were flying towards Dras Leona. The riders on their backs wore thick winter clothes, their faces covered with cloaks to protect them from the cold, as they rode with thoughtful expressions. The mission had been a success, as Arget and Alaina had been saved from the clutches of Tenga, but the shade was still alive somewhere, planning his revenge and that worried them.

              Salador and Alaina were looking at the reflections of the dragons as they flew above Leona Lake, the largest lake in Alagaesia, and a place of trade and great wealth. The waters of the lake were moving from the air and in parts, a small layer of thin ice had started to form on the water. When the heart of winter came, the waters would freeze completely and the horses would have no problems crossing the large lake on foot. The small trading boats would stop making the trip, but they would be replaced by trade carts, filled to the brim with goods and merchandise.

          In the distance, the city of Dras Leona could be seen, a large column of smoke rising from the city. Perhaps the city had suffered a fire, for Eragon doubted that Roran and his army had had the time to besiege the city yet. It was only a matter of days before this happened, but he hoped with all his heart that they still had a few days. He needed to investigate the tower of Tenga before anything else. If there was one thing important in war, it was to know the enemy you are fighting, so that you do not get surprised, but until now, Tenga was a complete mystery to him. He hoped he could get answers by investigating the tower where he had met Tenga almost ten years ago.

         At his back, Angela yawned loudly and Solembum scratched him, as he stretched his legs, his long black nails carving paths. Eragon grimaced. He would really need to create wards around him for werecats nails and teeth, especially if Angela and Solembum were going to travel with him.

        On his left, Arya was flying on Firnen, a smile on her beautiful face. She seemed happier these past few days than he had ever remembered her. Her happiness filled Eragon with a warmth, happy for her and for her love for him.On the other side, Salador was flying on Gadaroth, talking to Alaina and Arget, who were playing a game of trying to guess who the other person was thinking through asking questions. Eragon had participated in the game for a long time, keeping himself amused. His attention was soon turned to the landscape ahead of them.

         The small hill was surrounded by a cliff. The tower of Edur Ithindra had been an impressive Elven outpost, so many years ago, its walls white and gleaming in the sunlight. The great tower had been two hundred meters tall,  its walls were thick, and masterfully made sculptures of men and beasts, Gollums and Gargoyles and other mythical beasts had surrounded the tower's orange roof. Trees had surrounded the tower and an impressive garden filled with every species of flowers and tree in Alagaesia could be seen, like a labyrinth, protecting the tower from attacks. The tower was only accesible from the southern part, a narrow path that had space for three men abreast leading to it.

        Now the tower was destroyed, its tall white columns broken. Large pieces of rock blocked the narrow path leading to the destroyed tower and could be seen everywhere, as if a large explosion had thrown the rubble away for miles. Burned trees were on the western part of the tower, while on the east, no sign of life remained. The statues had been broken in several pieces, and none could tell what they were supposed to depict. A large pile of rubble, and broken walls, beyond repair marked the place where the large and impressive tower had stood. Only some half destroyed stairs showed that there had once been more than one level for the building.

      Saphira landed on the burned clearing near the rubble, followed by the other dragons. Their scales shined in the morning light, filling the area with different colors of blue, green, silver and yellow. Eragon dismounted, and walked towards the tower carefully, wary of potential magical traps the shade might have put around the tower. The other riders followed behind him, searching the area with their minds, aware of the lives of birds and insects near the tower.

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