Chapter 34: Escape

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          Dark clouds covered the sky, and lightnings flashed every few seconds, but the rain had stopped falling from the sky, as the small party made their way towards Dras Leona. Malik looked at the clouds with distaste, and the soldiers looked grim, as if the weather affected their mood in the same dark direction. The horses ran on the muddy ground, quickly, trying to cover as much ground as possible. It had been a day since their escape from Iliria and since then, they had ran to outpace their pursuers.

      For a whole day the empire soldiers had followed them, covering the distance behind them, but they still could not catch Malik's small party. At last, Malik had managed to lose the soldiers, at the cover of darkness, crossing a small stream of water that had formed, and ordering their tracks covered for a small distance. Of course, he knew this would not work for long, but combined with the constant rain that made puddles everywhere, it could be enough.

          Tied on Malik's chestnut mare, Ismira was sitting, trying not to fall from the horse. Her hands had started to become numb, as the rope that tied her hands on her back was tight, and she awkwardly tried to find a more comfortable position to sit in. Her auburn hair was waving behind her from the cold air, as the horse ran. Her blue eyes, were looking fiercely at the soldiers who had captured her and she scowled, as she looked upon Malik. His only reaction was to grin at her, as his fierce dark eyes, stared at her.

          On a white horse next to her, Garrow was also tied, his hands behind his back, as he kicked his legs, in a vain attempt to get free. He cursed at the soldiers with all his heart, some phrases that made Ismira blush, but the soldiers only laughed when they heard the obscenities, especially since they came from a young boy. The soldiers had already beaten him once, but her brother showed courage still, fighting like a caged lion. She hoped his courage would last until the night. They were going to need it when they tried to escape.

    "We need to escape" Ismira thought. "But how?". She raked her brain for a plan, but nothing spectacular came. She was sure for only one thing. The soldiers would tire and would eventually stop for the night. That was the time to escape. If only she could find something sharp to get rid of the ropes tying her hands. With a loud sigh, she released the air she was holding in her lungs. For now she could do nothing but wait, looking for any weakness, ready to pounce at any opportunity. Still, her efforts were in vain. The soldiers were careful, around her and her brother.

    For years they had fought each other, Ismira enjoying making Garrow angry and stealing his toys, as he made mocking faces. Their fights were famous across Carvahall, but now, they were both in danger and it would be wise to work together. They were family after all and they needed to look after each other. Being older made it her responsibility and she would do anything to keep Garrow from harm.

  "I need water." Ismira said, feeling thirsty, her throat dry as sand and her mouth sticky.

"You heard the girl, Dervin. Bring the young lady water" Malik said with a grin. Dervin rushed to obey as he filled a cup of water. As Malik took it from his hand, he dropped it all on Ismira's clothes.

"You can drink water when we stop in the night. Not sooner" Malik said with a harsh voice.

  Once again she scowled at Malik and the soldiers around her. She would not get angry. She would wait for the right moment. Malik only grinned, as he looked ahead, and Ismira shivered as the cold water soaked her clothes.

"You can't treat my sister so, you cowardly pig.!" Garrow shouted and he kicked the soldier who was carrying him on his horse. The man groaned with pain and slapped Garrow.

"Tie his legs." Malik ordered as Garrow shouted.

Dervin looked ahead, as if nothing from the scene affected him. Another young soldier looked lost in his thoughts. It seems his two friends had died in Iliria and he was deep in thought, his eyes showing great sadness. On his left was another soldier, who looked grimfaced and scowled back at Ismira and Garrow.

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