scary movie

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kaylor: scary movie

Karlie was leaning back into the plush couch scrolling through her phone when Taylor entered through the apartment door.

"Hey, you." Karlie looked up and grinned at her.

"Hey." Taylor shyly walked over and leaned down to get a welcome home kiss.

"It's getting late, why don't you go put on some comfy clothes and I'll order chinese and we can have a movie night?" Karlie suggested, ushering her girlfriend towards the stairs and dialing the restaurant. Taylor hummed in agreement and made her way upstairs. After Karlie ordered the food, she snuck upstairs into the bedroom and hugged Taylor, who was taking out her earrings, from behind.

"hey sunshine." Taylor happily mumbled.

"hi baby." Karlie took the earrings from Taylor and put them away in their rightful spot before grabbing a makeup remover wipe and motioning Taylor to come sit on the bed where she was. Taylor obliged and leaned in as Karlie gently wiped off the days makeup, making sure to not hurt the girl in front of her.

"I love you without makeup. You look so cute and untouched like nothing's ever hurt you before. Makes me wanna hug you forever." Karlie spoke softly, adoration spilling out of her mouth.

"I think that's one of my favorite things you've ever said. Thank you, Karlie. I love you, you know that?" She answered.

"I know, and I love you too. Finish getting ready and then come down." Karlie left Taylor with a kiss on the forehead.

The food was on the table with a note from security so that they knew that it wasn't just some creep who brought it in. The model brought it to the living room and placed it down on the table before collapsing onto the couch. Karlie opened Netflix on the tv and found a horror movie to watch, well-aware that Taylor didn't do good with them. Scary stuff? Not Taylors thing. But that would just mean lots of cuddling for Karlie, so really it would all work out. Taylor came in wearing some running shorts and a tshirt. She sat down next to Karlie and grabbed a container of rice. While she was focused on opening her dinner, Karlie had pressed play and a scream sounded through the room as the opening credits began to play. Taylor jumped at the sound and Karlie just let out a giggle.

"A scary movie? That's what you picked Karlie? Why?" Taylor whined.

"Sorry, princess." Karlie winked at her, not very sorry at all.

"I see what you're doing. No, you will not get a cuddly, scared Taylor out of this torture. Im staying over here." Taylor playfully pretended to be stubborn. They both knew she couldn't be apart from her girlfriend during something like this.

"Yeah? Alright Swift, just remember that my arms are always open when you come crawling back." Karlie resumed the movie and began to eat. It was only 10 minutes later when Taylor was scared out of her mind, basically shaking, curled up in a ball.

"Hey, come here, baby. I can't watch you like that anymore." Karlie made a puppy dog face at Taylor, who's face took over a relived look. Taylor crawled into Karlies lap and Karlie wrapped her arms tightly around the girl.

"I have you. It's just a movie, love. You're okay." She comforted the singer, who dug her head into Karlies neck and breathed in her scent. They somehow made it through the movie, Taylor jumping at every sudden action that took place.

"I don't want to get up, im scared." Taylor whispered as Karlie turned off the tv, preparing to clean up. Karlie effortlessly stood up with Taylor in her arms. Taylors legs were wrapped arms Karlies waist and her arms around her neck. Karlie kept one hand under Taylor to support her light weight and the other reached down to grab some of the food. She lowered herself so that Taylor could also make use of her own arms and grab the rest.

"We're a good team." Taylor laughed lightly as Karlie carried her into the kitchen.

"We sure are, baby." She placed Taylor on the counter and the singer frowned at the loss of contact.

"Hold on, Im coming back for ya in a sec." The model quickly threw the food in the fridge and returned to her love. Taylor gratefully resumed the position in Karlies arms that she was in only a minute ago. She snuggled her head into Karlies neck and took a deep breath.

"I like when you carry me." She noted as they made their was through the dark hallway and up the stairs.



Karlie carefully dropped Taylor onto the big bed and turned the lights on. They both brushed their teeth and climbed into bed. After saying their goodnights and sharing a few kisses, they finally shut their eyes and let the darkness take over. Karlie was out in a second but Taylor was trying to coax her body into sleep, still pretty wound up and scared from the movie. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. 2:58. She should probably let Karlie sleep..but she was scared and Karlie could make her feel better.

"Karlie.." She spoke quietly, gently rubbing the girls arm.

"Mm. What's up, baby?" Karlie mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"Im scared." Taylor admitted, voice shaking.

Karlie took that as a cue to actually wake up. She sat up against the pillows and pulled Taylor into her lap. She squeezed the girl tightly and pressed soft kisses to her blonde hair.

"princess." Karlie mumbled.

"It's just a movie. And besides that, you know I'll always protect you. Always. I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt you. Got it?" Karlie rubbed the older girls back.

"Got it. Thanks sunshine, I feel better now." Taylor smiled at her cutely through the dark and Karlies heart melted.

"Good. Now cmon, you need some sleep." She laid down with Taylors head on her chest and rubbed the singers back until she saw her eyes closing. Karlie waited a few minutes to make sure Taylor was fully asleep before letting herself drift off. Making sure to keep her arms secured around Taylor, Karlie kissed her head and closed her own eyes.

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