late nights

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Karlies POV

I groaned and tried to get my eyes to open as the noise of my phone ringing woke me up. I grabbed it from the side table and squinted at it, trying to adjust to the brightness. 2:43 and Taylor was calling.

"Tay, do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, I do."

"Is something wrong?"

"I am having deep, questioning thoughts about the universe and and I need you to confirm my existence."


"Sorry, Karlie. I don't mean to wake you up with all this so often."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes. You're lucky you're cute." I hung up and rubbed my eyes before slipping out of my bed and changing into some leggings and sliding on some sneakers, leaving my tee shirt on. I got into my car and drove to Taylors apartment, not getting any trouble from security about being let in. Late night visits to Taylor weren't anything new; they happened quite frequently. I used my key to unlock her door and quietly kick off my shoes. The house was mostly dark as I made my way into my girlfriends bedroom. Taylor was sitting up against the headboard, knees pulled to her chest. She looked vulnerable and fragile.

"Hey, you." I greeted, climbing into bed with her.

"Thanks for coming." She said, looking down and playing with her fingers.

"No cuddling? I don't like you so far away." I pouted and then smiled when she moved herself into my arms.

"Ah, there's my girl. Now, talk to me. What's wrong?" I rubbed her arm as I waited for her to speak.

"I just hate being scared."

"What do you mean, love? What are you scared of?" I pressed a kiss to her temple and turned her to face towards me.

"Im just so sorry that we have to hide like this. I hate being scared of what the world thinks. It's not fair to you and I feel like im dragging you down. We should be a team, but you're doing all of the work holding me up when I can't do that for myself. I don't deserve this, Karlie. I don't deserve you." A few tears slipped down her face and I quickly wiped them.

"Baby. Listen to me really carefully, alright? I want you to take in every word im about to say to you. I am never leaving your side. You being scared of being public is completely understandable and I want you to know that however much time you need to be okay, I will always love you. If we end up being closeted forever, so be it. Anythings better than being without you. You have every right to be in the position you are and I will hold you up forever. Loving you is the best thing I've ever gotten to experience and it never feels like work or like you're dragging me down. I don't want you in that negative mindset. We are a team, Taylor. We're both working in this relationship, whether you know it or not. I love you, more than anything."

"You are the best thing that has even happened to me. I don't want to hide forever, I promise I'll get to an okay point someday soon. Please don't give up on me." Taylor looked sad and like she was about to break down as she spoke.

"I know you'll get there. And until then, let's just enjoy the privacy, yeah? Take your time, princess. I'll never give up on you."

"I love you, Karlie."

"I love you too, baby. Now let's get you all snuggled up because you have a flight tomorrow afternoon and it's very, very late right now. And I know you won't sleep on the plane so we have to get you caught up on sleep now." I pulled the blankets up and she cuddled into me.

"Will you come to the show tomorrow night? Fly with me tomorrow afternoon." Taylor spoke quietly, sleepiness starting to hit her.

"I don't know Tay, Tree won't be happy about it." I sighed.

"But I'll be happy about it. Please Karls? We'll keep it so lowkey, no one will even know. You can stay backstage and we'll make the exit really private." She begged cutely, tugging on my shirt.

"Okay, fine. But im not responsible if you get in trouble for bringing me." I teased and played with a strand of her hair.

"Sure, Sunshine. Im just happy you'll be there." I could almost feel her smiling in the dark room.

"Goodnight, baby." I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, Karlie. love you." Taylor mumbled and curled into me, letting sleep take over.

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