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no ones POV

Karlie, Taylor and a bunch of their friends were at a party after some fashion show that they had attended. The room was packed with slightly tipsy models and scouts and all types of high end people, music blaring and lights low. Karlie was across the room, talking to some man, who was almost constantly putting his hand on her arm, while Taylor was huddled with Lily and Gigi sipping champagne out of crystal glasses.

"Who's the guy?" Taylor asked her friends, nodding in Karlies direction.

"Oh, that's Derek. Obnoxious." Gigi answered, rolling her eyes.

"He keeps touching her arm." Taylor pointed out.

"He's a creep. Never leaves anyone alone. I would go check on her." Lily suggested, grabbing another champagne glass off of a passing waiters tray. Taylor nodded and made her way towards her girlfriend and the man. Once she got closer, she saw Karlie throw her head back and laugh at something Derek had said. Taylor tensed up and took a deep breath before venturing closer. Karlie placed a hand on his shoulder and said a nice goodbye before turning around and almost slamming into a scowling Taylor.

"Hi, baby." Karlie smiled excitedly at her shorter girlfriend that she hadn't seen since they got here.

"Im leaving, in case you care." Taylor said bluntly and turned to head towards the door.

"Taylor?" Karlie called and followed her out. Taylor kept walking.

"Taylor, stop. Why are you leaving?" Karlie demanded and caught up to Taylor, grabbing her hand.

"Listen, I don't want to make a scene here in front of all the cameras. I'll see you later I guess." Taylor said quietly and pulled off a fake smile to avoid rumors. Their driver opened up the door for her and she got in, Karlie following right behind.

"Oh." Taylor said, rolling her eyes when she realized Karlies presence.

"Talk to me. What's wrong? Did I do something?" Karlie questioned as they took off down the New York streets.

"You tell me." Taylor answered shortly.

"Taylor, i obviously don't know what i did, and I would appreciate if you would let me know so that I could fix it!" Karlies voice was raised, annoyance clearly there. Taylor flinched a little, not used to these snappy tones. Karlie was the most patient person she knew.

"Why don't you go ask Derek what you did? He would know, you two spent half the night touching eachother!" Taylor retorted back, with an equally mean voice.

"You think i was flirting with someone who isn't you?!"

"I wouldn't call what you two had going on strictly platonic. You were flirting, Karlie. It was so clear."

Before Karlie could respond, they pulled up to Taylors building and the singer was out of the car, faking a smile for the cameras and heading towards the front door. Karlie followed behind her, not making eye contact with anyone. Once they were inside, the door man opened the elevator and they both stood in awkward silence. Suddenly, the lights cut out and the elevator dropped a few inches before stopping. You could practically hear the two girls freeze in fear, the moment scaring them. Quickly, the loud speaker came on and announced that they were trying to fix the problem and to just hold tight. Karlie slid down and sat against the wall while Taylor stubbornly stood, arms crossed over her chest.

"Let's talk. Come sit down, Tay." Karlie spoke softly, trying to get her upset girlfriend to cooperate with her.
She could practically feel Taylors eyes rolling as she sat down, leaving some space in between her and the model.

"Listen, I don't know why it came across that i was flirting with Derek. I'm seriously 100% committed to you, Taylor. Why would I do something as stupid as flirting to risk loosing you? You're everything I've ever wanted and now that I have you, im not letting go that easy. Ever. I love you, Taylor. Only you." Karlie spoke and hoped that her honest words would get through to the girl, curled up against the wall. She heard a sniffle and smiled to herself before opening her arms for Taylor to crawl into. Taylor climbed onto her lap and held Karlies face in her little hands.

"I just..you're just so beautiful. and I don't want anyone to take you from me. I need you, Karlie. I don't want to think about having to be without you."

"Princess." Karlie mumbled and wiped the stray tears from under Taylors eyes.

"Im all yours, always. I'm never leaving, baby." With this, she leaned in and gently kissed Taylor.

"I'm glad we talked that over. And im glad we're okay because this elevator is really freaking me out." Taylor admitted and Karlie smiled, having known that this was scaring her the whole time. Karlie changed their position so that Taylor was sitting in between her legs, and her head leaning back onto Karlies chest. She heard Taylor let out a happy sigh.

"You're so cute." Karlie whispered and pressed a kiss to her temple. Taylor just snuggled into her as a response. They took some 'stuck in an elevator' selfies until a few minutes later, the lights finally went back on and the elevator began to move up. A look a relief washed over the girls faces and Taylor jumped up, pulling Karlie with her. The doors opened and Taylor basically sprinted out.

"Hey, calm down, love. That wasn't so bad." Karlie laughed and unlocked the door.

"Only cause you were there." Taylor admitted and followed her into the apartment.

"And to think I almost left without telling you.. I would've been all alone in there." Taylor shuddered.

"That's why we never do anything without making sure I know." Karlie smirked, while taking off her shoes.

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