upset karlie

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Taylor was home for a few days from the tour and so her and Karlie were throwing a little get together at her place. There were a bunch of their closest friends and of course Calvin, who had been instructed to come by Tree to keep his and Taylors "relationship alive." Taylor had told him to bring a few friends so that she could have him out of her hair and just have a good time with her girlfriend and her friends. A bunch of models and artists of all sorts were wandering around the apartment, sipping on drinks and dancing to the loud music. Karlie was staring Calvin down as she chugged what seemed to be her millionth drink. Taylor was sober, too busy talking to Gigi to notice Karlies looks of resentment towards her girlfriends fake boyfriend. Karlie rolled her eyes as she watched him laugh with the guy he was standing with, beers in their big, masculine hands.

"Earth to Ms. Kloss." Cara came over and waved her hand in front of Karlies face. Karlies eyes snapped away from Calvin and her head turned towards Cara.

"If looks could kill, you'd be shooting daggers at him right now. What's up?" The british girl questioned her friend with a confused look on her face.

"I don't like him." Karlie stated simply and a tear rolled down her face.

"Hey, don't cry Karls. I know it's frustrating but it'll be over someday."

"Do you think Taylor loves him more than she loves me?" Karlie sniffled and looked down.

"Karlie? What's gotten into you? He's nothing to her, you're her girlfriend." Cara pointed out to the other model, who looked like she was in deep thought.

"You know what? Im going to do something about this." A look of anger splashed across Karlies face and she stood up from the couch, wobbling a little bit until she caught her balance.

"Karlie, you're really drunk right now. Whatever is going on in that pretty little head of yours, isn't actually going on outside of it. Calvins only here for publicity reasons. Sit back down." Cara tried to reason with the girl but Karlie looked determined as she made her way over to the Scottish DJ.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." Karlie demanded, all traces of the previous tear gone, her voice filled with power and confidence.

"What's up, sweetheart?" Calvin smiled at her. Karlie sneered at the name. She opened her mouth to start saying something but another tear fell and her mouth just hung open.

"Karlie? What's wrong?" Calvin asked, wondering why the girl was crying right in front of him.

"Does..does Taylor love you?" Karlie sobbed out quietly. Calvin stood there shocked but before he could answer, Karlie started talking again.

"How come she can go out and hold hands with you but not me? How come im not enough for her? I thought she loved me. But she loves you." Karlie was a mess in front of the man now, slurring out incoherent sentences about how Taylor wanted him and not Karlie.

"I think you've had a lot to drink, you're not thinking straight. you need to talk to Taylor about this. You've got it all wrong, you're everything she wants." Calvin cautiously tried to explain to the falling apart girl.

"Do you want me to help you find Taylor so you can go ask her? It'll make you feel better." He offered, holding out a hand for the shaking girl.

"N-no. She's going to reject me for you. Because you're a boy." Karlie sniffed out quietly, gently pushing calvins outreached hand down.

"Alright Kar, that's enough of that. Let's go upstairs and talk." Cara swooped in and smiled apologetically at Calvin, who just waved it off like it was no big deal. Cara led Karlie up the stairs with a little bit of trouble and opened the door to Taylors bedroom.

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