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3rd person POV

Taylor and Karlie were coming back to Taylor's apartment after having a nice, private lunch. They slid out of the car and started walking towards the door when a man with a camera whistled and yelled to Taylor.

"You look hot as fuck when you dress like that."

Taylor paused for a moment but decided to just keep walking, while Karlie froze in her tracks and turned towards the man.

"Karlie, don't." Taylor spoke to her.

"Go inside, baby. I'll be right there." Karlie whispered and sent taylor a stern look and the shorter blonde looked worried but headed into the building. The man started to turn around to dash away but Karlie got his attention before he could go anywhere.

"Hey. I want to talk to you. Don't walk away, I just want to have a little talk. You're a pap, don't you want news? Well I've got some for you. How dare you fucking whistle at her like she's some kind of dog?! That's a person. You can't just say things like that to people. It's insanely disrespectful and rude. If you have something to say, that's nice and doesn't have to do with how she's dressing, you can say it nicely. But don't you ever whistle and catcall at a woman like that ever again. Do you understand me?" Karlie went off on the man, almost never blinking.

"Why are you getting so defensive? Is it because Taylor is your girlfriend? Can you confirm the rumors?" The man shot back, not letting his fear get the best of him.

"Quite frankly, it shouldn't matter whether Taylor and I are dating or just friends. Im standing up for another women that you're degrading. I would do the same thing for anyone."

"If Taylor, and women in general, don't want to be called out like that, maybe she shouldn't dress so provocative." The pap pointed out, clearly not feeling like he was in the wrong.

"You've got to be kidding me." Karlie laughed and rolled her eyes. "What someone wears does not determine whether you can scream out inappropriate things at them while they're just walking down a sidewalk. I don't care if someone is wearing a snow suit or lingerie, you have no right to say the things you think that you can. I can call some more security and have this area blocked off so you can't even get this close to Taylor, if you'd like. She's nice enough to let you guys take pictures of her from in front of her home, where she should have privacy. The least you can do is show her some respect. Do you want me to get this area blocked off?"

"No, Ms. Kloss. I'm sorry." The man finally gave in and Karlie nodded before turning on her heels and marching inside.

Taylor was standing in the lobby waiting for her.

"All better, I fixed it, baby." Karlie smiled, taking Taylors hand and leading her into the elevator.

"You're the best." Taylor sighed happily and leaned up to kiss her girlfriends cheek.

"If anyone ever talks to you like that again, they won't live to hear my nice little speech."

"That wouldn't surprise me, Karlie."

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