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Taylors POV

I was in Canada for a few 1989 shows. Currently situated in my hotel room after one of the shows, I was sitting cross legged on the bed and contemplating waking Karlie up for a quick facetime. Sounds crazy to be this attached to her, but I really can't sleep unless I get a goodnight facetime, phone call, or on the busiest nights at least I get a video of her talking to me a little before kissing the camera goodnight. I opened up a new text to her and typed.

To: Sunshine☀️❤️
Are you awake?

To: Sunshine☀️❤️
I miss your pretty face.

I sighed as realization hit me that it was probably late back home, and she was probably exhausted from her busy day. However, a minute later my phone starting ringing and I answered the facetime call with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hi, princess. You look beautiful." Karlie grinned adorably and waved through the phone.

"I thought you would be sleeping. Im so happy to see your face." I blushed and smiled.

"I stayed up, didn't want to send you to bed without a goodnight." Karlie winked.

"You're the best," I let out a happy breath.
"I miss you." I said shyly, The gorgeous girl never failed to make me a little nervous in her presence, even if it was just through a screen.

"I miss you too, baby. How was the show?"

"It was pretty good. Canada is pretty nice. What did you do today?"

"I filmed a training-workout video thing with Nike, and then I met up with Gigi for lunch. That's it really. Oh, I found the coolest new smoothie place today, we have to go when you get back. It's so good." Karlie rambled on and I smiled in adoration at the girl.

"Can't wait. Im glad you had a good day."

"When do you get back?" Karlie asked.

"Two more days. I can't wait to see ya Kar. I miss you and my own bed." I laughed lightly.

"I Can't wait for you to come home. I miss having a cuddle buddy at night." Karlie pulled a pouty face at the camera and I quickly took a screenshot. I snuggled into the bed and laid on my side, lazily holding the phone. I was watching Karlie as she cleaned up her kitchen. It amazed me how good she made doing the simplest things look.

"You look tired, baby. Get some sleep." Karlie leaned on the counter and stared at me through the phone.

"I wanna stay up and talk to you forever." I whined.

"Me too, but we'll both regret that in the morning. You know you don't do good with too little sleep. Superstars need lots of energy." She winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. We all know that if you don't sleep enough, you get veeeeery clingy and grumpy and what are you going to do when im not there to basically carry you around everywhere?" Karlie teased playfully. She had a point.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"Goodnight, Karlie. I love you."

"Goodnight, princess. I love you more. Text me if you need anything." She blew a kiss into the phone and I returned it before hanging up. I immediately missed her. Just as I thought that, I got a text.

From: Sunshine☀️❤️
Miss you already. Seriously love, put the phone down and get some sleep. You can call me after soundcheck or during hair&makeup. Love you❤️😘

To: Sunshine☀️❤️
Love you, Karlie.

With that, I plugged my phone in and shut off the light.

"Just two more days," was the last thing in my mind before I fell asleep, thinking of karlie.

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