jealous taylor

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jealous taylor

3rd person pov

Karlies guy best friend, Derek, was visiting from St Louis and had just arrived to Taylor and Karlies apartment. The second she opened the door, Karlie jumped into his arms, squealing about how glad she was to see him. He greeted Taylor kindly, yet a little star stuck that his friend was living with the taylor swift, and she was friendly back. Karlie had made dinner reservations for the three of them but after seeing the way Karlie and Derek were reunited, Taylor was iffy about going. But because she's the good mannered person that she is, she decided to give the situation the benefit of the doubt and just go with it. They showed Derek up to his room for the weekend and Karlie told him that they had to leave for dinner in half an hour. She proceeded to head to the bedroom to get ready. Taylor was sitting cross legged on the bed, looking down at her phone, when Karlie had held up two gorgeous dresses and asked which one she should wear. The thought of Karlie in anything that tight turned her on and she's pretty sure her eyes went dark just picturing Karlies body in anything sexy.

"Mm..the dark blue one." Taylor had chosen.

"but change out here, I need to adjust myself to you in that dress before we go out in public and I can't keep my hands or eyes off of you." She added.

"You dork." Karlie rolled her eyes playfully and pushed Taylor towards the closet to pick an outfit, since Taylor never seems to be able to be ready on time. She had came out wearing a short, white, long sleeved dress, hoping to catch a certain models attention before they left the room. Karlie was too busy picking out the perfect earrings to spend the amount of time that it would take to fully appreciate the way Taylor looked. When Taylor noticed that she wasn't going to get the attention she wanted, she silently scoffed and headed downstairs, where Derek was ready. They made small talk until Karlie, who was everyone's center of attention, walked down. Taylor had to admit, the guy was nice and funny, but she knew that for her the weekend would be a Karlie drought. It was true, Taylor was needy. She was clingy and liked constant attention and babying and touching, and Karlie was happy to give that all to Taylor. Karlie spoiled Taylor and made sure that she was her top priority all the time. But Taylor could understand the excitement of getting to see a lifelong friend after so long so she put on a smile and was sure that she could live without being Karlies focus of attention all the time. They were in the car, heading to the restaurant and Karlie and Derek were vividly exchanging stories from back home and here in New York. Taylor just smiled and pretended to be interested, having no part in the talking. This went on for all of dinner and the way back. To say that Taylor was relieved to enter her room and take off her heels was an understatement. She could hear Karlie and Derek laughing at some childhood story downstairs so Taylor just got ready for bed and called it a night. She was asleep when Karlie had finally retreated to their bedroom and joined her in bed and didn't feel the light kiss Karlie had pressed to her temple before closing her eyes. The next morning Karlie had woken a sleepy Taylor up, quietly letting her know that she and Derek were going out and probably wouldn't be home for dinner.

"Catching up with him has been so much fun!" Karlie had explained to Taylor, who was still snuggled up in bed, before tucking a strand of Taylors hair behind her ear and rushing out. Taylor mumbled a somewhat sarcastic have fun as she heard the front door slam closed. She sighed and decided to not mope around all day. And that's how she ended up out to lunch with Lily.

"So basically, you're jealous?" Lily questioned Taylor with a teasing hint to her voice after she begged Taylor to explain what was bothering her so much.

"jealous? no.. I just..I miss having her to myself." Taylor was in denial of being selfish enough to be jealous over her girlfriend catching up with an old friend.

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