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Karlies POV:

Taylor and I were walking up to her buildings door when it happened. She slipped on some ice and just went down. The cameras were flashing and her face crumpled in pain at her bare leg hitting the concrete. I rushed to her side and helped her up, the best I could due to her frozen state. Her eyes were wide, as if she couldn't believe this had happened. Security flurried around her, flooding her with questions but she just clasped onto me, as embarrassed as ever.

"You're okay, Let's just get inside, baby. C'mon." I spoke quietly to her and sort of dragged her in with me.

"Ohmygod." She mumbled once we were in the lobby.

"This isn't going to ruin your life. You don't have anything to be embarrassed about. You're gonna be okay." I quickly tried to jump in and help before she destroyed her mind with embarrassment.

"You sure about that?" She spoke sarcastically.

"Hey, be nice." I sternly spoke to her, knowing that she was only acting out due to her injured knee and her self consciousness.

"Miss Taylor, do you want a doctor? Or anything else?" A security guard asked, looking at her in concern.

"Oh, it's just cut up. I'll be okay, thank you."

"It's bleeding quite a lot." He pointed out.

"I'm okay, thank you." Taylor smiled sweetly and he nodded and turned away.

"How much longer until you let those tears out?" I teased, heading towards the elevator, knowing that she was in pain.

"Shut up." She mumbled, snuggling into me as the elevator doors closed. I looked down at her, waiting for the breakdown.

"Come on. It's okay, it's just us." I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head. "I got you."

"It stings." I felt her hot tears on my skin as she dug her face even further into my neck, refusing to look at me.

"Why are you being so shy today? It's just me, princess." I spoke softly to her.

Taylor mumbled something that I couldn't understand as the elevator doors opened and we got out. Once we were in her apartment, I brought her into the bathroom and lifted her onto the counter.

"Let's get it cleaned up, yeah?" She nodded as I got out a big bandaid and some cleaning stuff. I put the cleaner on a cotton pad.

"This might hurt, alright?" I looked at her with caution, waiting for an okay before proceeding. She looked uncomfortable but nodded anyways. I took a deep breath and started to clean up the wound. Almost a second after the cotton touched her skin, she pushed my hand away.

"Taylor, we have to do this. It's gonna get infected if we don't. Think about how gross that street is. So dirty, princess. I know it hurts but it'll be over really soon."

"Karlie.." She whined, looking at me with big, glassy eyes.

"Don't make me feel any more worse for you right now. We're going to do this. Hold my hand." I held out my hand and kissed her nose once she grabbed it. She squeezed tightly and once again, I went down with the cotton pad. Taylor dug her face into my shoulder, clearly in pain.

"Hey, look we're done. You did it. We just gotta bandage it and then you'll be all done."

"Amen." She mumbled and I laughed before putting the huge bandaid over her knee.

"All better. That's my girl." I smiled at her in a funny way and she laughed a little. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her for a few seconds before turning around so that she could get on me, piggy back style.

"Let's go get on some comfy clothes and order some food. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." She answered.

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