Harry Potters Twin: an Unexpected Love Story

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A/N: Well this is my first fan fiction. So don't be too harsh in comments, I'm only twelve!!!!! Well anyways I do accept constructive criticism. If you don't like it I'm probably going to delete it. This is just an introduction.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of this except for Tori Lily Potter. Everything else is J.K. Rowling's.



Hi, my name is Victoria Lily Potter. But call me that and you'll wish you didn't. I just don't think it suits me, so I go by Tori instead.

I am the famous Harry Potter's twin. When my parents died, instead of going to live with the Dursley's, I went with Dumbledore. He raised me like his own daughter.

I would stay at Hogwarts and all the older students LOVED me and treated me very nice. At the time I didn't know that I was a Potter. Dumbledore didn't tell me that I was a Potter for safety reasons. Instead he told me that I was dropped of at Hogwarts when I was one and that my last name was Smith. Oh and I forgot to mention that I'm a metamorphagus. Though I am terrible at controlling my emotions. So basically, I am constantly changing my hair and eye color on accident.

This story takes place in my first year when I meet my twin and start these wonderful adventures!!!!!!!!!

A/N: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what did you think. I'll continue this story if I get some votes and reviews.

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