Chapter 2:- Trapped in a game

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There was a blinding white light that surround us. After a few second, the light subsides and we find ourselves standing next to a pile of boxes. I looked around, mainly to see my surrounding but more importantly, I was looking for Leo. I looked to my left and I finally saw him crouching. I shout at him "Leo! You okay dude?" Leo didn't look but he gives a thumbs up. I smiled. Thank God he was safe. Now the real question. What are those light, those boxes, why do they have our avatar names on it?. All of these question came rushing into my head. I needed answer. Seconds later, The GM's Box appeared.
The box whirled and does it same animation as it did before we came here. When the GM's hologram was explaining the new event. We gather around and the GM's begin his explanation. "Thank you all for participating. Out of 20456 players that play this game, only 10450 of you that pressed YES. I acknowledged your bravery for pressing it. Now, this event will not end until the players managed to defeat the boss at the Tower Of Chaos on floor 100. The player's level before coming here will be reset to level 1." A huge gasp and disbelieve can be heard among the players. "Don't fuck around GM! I wasted my time playing this game and reached level higher than any players that play this game! This is unfair! I quit!" The player motion his hand downward to bring up the main menu and scroll to the bottom to find the quit button but give a frustrating face. "What the hell GM!? I can't quit!?" The GM spoke. "As I said, you cannot quit the event until one of you manage to defeat the boss at floor 100." The player started to tremble. "That's..That's..STUPID! Why would I waste my time here making my way to floor 100 just to get out of this game!?" The player shouted. Suddenly one player started to speak. It was a Flayon. A race of elves. Capable of intelligent and use magic as an offensive way of battling. "Don't be so dumb. It's only a matter of time before someone pull out the VR because we're all been out to play for to long. I'm confident that-" The GM interrupts. "I'm sorry to say that if that ever happen, the VR will send a mini-shock at the player's brain that will gradually become stronger and eventually, you all died."
Everyone was shocked at what the GM's said. No one is able to say anything. Even the smart Flayon was to shocked and disbelief at what the GM said. The GM continues. " Live your life here in this world. If you desire to come back to the real world, fight for it. next to you are boxes with supplies and equipment that were made specially for you race. Use them well players as your lives now depends on whether you completed this quest or not. This will be the last meeting from me. I bid you all Good Luck and Survive." With that last word, the GM's box exploded. It was silent at first but then it become apparent that it was true, we can't get out. Our only option is to fight. I talked to Leo. "Leo, you wanna come? I think I know where you can get a lot Exp so you can level up fast." Leo looked at me and said. "Thanks Slay, but I think I'll stay here for a while. I know I wasn't supposed to be depressed. Thanks. Let's meet again." Leo partway with me but before that he added me to his friend list so that it would be easier for me to contact him later. With our last handshake, we partway. As I move out of that place, a lot of thought comes into my mind but I shrugged it off. Right now I better make sure to level up fast and help these people. I close my eyes and look at the sky. "I got my answers now. Well, not like what I expected but." I opened my eyes and move.

Seconds later, The place was erupted with the player's riot.

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