Chapter 49: GM

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We rested for a while. "So it's finally over huh?" Nae said. I looked at Nae. "What? You're getting sad now?" I said with a tired face. "Not sad. Just you know, it's been a year we're here. The sound of us getting home is really unnerving you know." Nae said with a big grin. "Well yeah that's true. But the ending is really anti-climatic isn't it? Aisa stabbed him. We didn't managed to give enough damage to kill him but Aisa did." I said. "No. That's not true you guys. If you all didn't attacked him and lower is health, I wouldn't be able to kill him. Plus, Slay here managed to chop off his remaining health to a much more lower one. That really help right Slay? uhh Slay?" Aisa looked at me but my vision is getting blurry. "I.. yeah, good job Aisa, let me take a little-"

The last thing I heard before getting unconscious is Cydella, calling out my name. Then, everything went black.


Bright light. Where am I? "I see you're awake." I looked at who's talking to me and to my surprised it's the GM. "Why are you still alive? No, more importantly, where is this place? It seems so familiar." The GM smiled. "This is the place where the twin swords called you. The white room where all infinite possibility can-oh let's save that for another time. Shall we?" I stand up. "Hey, I got a question for you." The GM didn't answer he just stood there in silence. "Why didn't you attack? I saw what you did. You almost readied your attack but as soon as you see Aisa, you just stop and let her kill you. What happen?" Silence. He didn't answer which is getting annoying. "Hey! Answer me. Why did you-" My voice trailed off as a bunch of pictures appeared. What shocked me is that all of these are Aisa's picture. "Why did you--?" The GM looked at me and turned. "Yuuki. My daughter, died at a very young age. About eleven years old. She was diagnosed with a heart cancer. It was already at the second stage. I could've prevented it. After all, it's just the two of us. Her mother left when she was just four. But damn it! I was too busy to not noticed her! Every time I visited her, she always greeted me with a smile and always reassured me that everything will be okay. I just need to focus on my work. Then one day, she made a wish. 'Please let me be by my father's side even when I'm gone. I'll watch over him.' I couldn't go in. How could I? She made a wish like that. So I decided to work hard and finally managed to finished it. The headgear that you all are using. It was supposed to be a surprised for Yuuki but the day it was complete, the doctor called. She's in a serious condition. I immediately rushed to the hospital only to find out that she had pass away. I couldn't take it anymore. At that time, I was thinking, if everything was taken from me, then I'll take away from everyone too. So I programmed the game and make sure it trapped the user here and only me have the key to get out." The GM just stood there but I know, deep down he is suffering. "You still haven't tell me why did you stop when you saw AIsa." I said. The GM looked at me. "Aisa, is yuuki's intended body when she came here. I made it just for her. The day she died, I moved all her memories and created a personality for her. It was hard but I did it. I made it. " I just looked at him. I was about to say something when something cover my mouth. It was none other than Aisa.


"Aisa?! What are you doing here?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile and then shifted her looks towards the GM. " You're really mean, you hurt everyone. You even make Slay suffer so much. I could've destroy you. Well, I knew I won't be able too, but I will still do it if you harmed many of my friends." Aisa said with an angry look. The GM just looked away. "But, you did a good job in the end. Nice to see you again. Dad" Aisa went to the GM and hugged him from behind. "Ai--Yuuki. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for always not being there for you." Aisa shakes her head. "No dad. Thank you. I got my wish. I get to live here. Even if it's just a memory but I'm still glad." The GM hugged Aisa. It was a warm hug. From a father to his daughter. After a few minutes. Aisa handed her a letter which he reads. After reading it she looked at Aisa. "If that is what you wanted now, I understand." The GM looked at me. "Slay, no. Shiroe Ryuzawa. In two days, there will be a package for you. I won't explain any further but everything will be explained after you get the package. Trust me. Right now, all you need to do is get out of this game. This is my final word to you. Good job hanging in here Slay. Now go!"



'He left. No matter. It's rare to find someone like that. Thank you for always be patient Slay. Here is what I have promised to you and all of you here in CWO. Ahh, maybe I should read it again.' I closed my eyes and opened it back slowly and started to read it. "To my dad. Thank you for always being the coolest dad in the world. Even though it's only us two, I had lots of fun. I can't remember who I was at first. I was even manipulated but in the end, I did it. I managed to get my memories back. Dad. Thank you. I will always, always watch over you. Your daughter. Yuuki." I closed the letter and to my surprised I got the urged to- no nevermind.  Well, this is it. We have one year of fun but it was worth it. It's time to wrap up.


Slay's POV.

I woke up and found out all four of them staring at me. "Guys! we need to get out now! Let's hurry to the town square. The return gate is there." All four of them smiled. "Lets go!" the four of them shouted while running out. By the time we got there, all of the people have gathered. "Whoa! look at this! So many are already here." Sylvia said. Suddenly, the GM appeared. "I thought he was dead!?" Nae said with shocked eyes. "calm down. Listen to what he said." I said while calming down Nae. "You all have done a good job. I have nothing else to say. Thank you for playing and good bye." As soon as he disappeared a bright light shines and the next thing we knew, everything is black.

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