Chapter 29 : Black Mage Xir

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I got shot. This time with an arrow straight through my heart. Ahh so this is the deja vu I've been having. If I remember it correctly, I've been impaled in the heart when I was saving Cydella from that Death Ghoul Reaper. Wait. This is not the time to reminisce! get back to the present me!.


As I fall down, I remember thinking is this it? The battle that all of us are having came back in me. I've went so much and almost close to reach the end of the road. I can't afford to die here. As my body hit the ground, I take a look at the arrow that has lodge itself in me. A perfect hit. 'Maybe this is it. Sorry guys'. I close my eyes.



"How long am we gonna be stuck on this place?" A voice appeared in my head. Cydella? A flashback? It was night time. The others have already slept. Only me and Cydella left. Somehow, both of us can't sleep that night and decided to look at the stars. "How long will this thing last?" I look at Cydella. She was sad. I knew it. Even though she is not showing it, I know that she is sad. I looked at the moon. "It won't last long. I promise to lead us all out didn't I? Then hold on to those promise. Until that time come, I won't give up. I'll reach the top floor and defeat the boss there and free us all." I smile and looked at her. She looked surprise at first but then smile. The moon's ray shines on us and for the first time I swear, she looked beautiful with those smile. Her eyes glazed and if my eyes are not deceiving me, I could've sworn I saw sparkle on her. "I'll hold on to that" Her smile was enough for me to look away hiding my blushed face. The flashback ended but the echo of my voice still could be heard. That voice spoke one thing. 'I won't give up'


I opened my eyes and looked around me. Cydella was crying while Sylvia was healing me. Obviously holding back her tears. Typical but good in her own way. I patted Cydella's head. She hold my hands. "Don't scare me like that." I looked at her face. Just remembering back her beautiful smile is enough to makes me blushed. "I'm sorry. But it won't happen again. I promise right? I won't give up until the end." I stand up and took out the arrows. I took a deep breath and calm down. After calming down, I used my scanning ability to scan the area and the result is five enemies. three on ground, two on the Elder's house. I smile. "Let's go guys. Time to pay the Elder a visit!" I looked at Borias. Thankfully he's still breathing. Sylvia and Cydella did their job well. "I'll be back fast. I promise". After saying that, off we went to confront the last boss.


We quickly dispatched the ground enemies without any problem. As we make our way to the Elder's place I could sense something is coming and quickly draw my sword to block my face. A few seconds later, an arrow came and hit the sword. "Tch. The upper is really annoying. Nae! can you handle them?" Nae chuckled a little. "Of course I can. See ya in a bit." He jump towards the Elder's roof and quickly fight the two on the roof. We make our way and finally manage to find the Elder.


"So does it feel good taking something from someone else? Elder?" I said to the elder. The Elder looked outside of the window. " So you're alive huh. I praise your vitality." The Elder sigh. "He was a foolish man. He could've got the stone's power if only he does what was told. But no. He went to do something else just because it involves his family. I try to reason with him. But he won't listen. He's a stubborn one." The Elder sigh. "Just like you." The Elder gasped. "You! How did you-" . "He told me everything. He told me..Everything. How he was this Village's Chief before you kill his family out of stubbornness just to prove to him that the Stone was much more important than anything. I don't know what the reason are but one thing's for sure. You're nothing but an old man who is desperately trying obtain something." I unsheathed both of my sword. "Which is why I must defeat you. Aren't you ready to go? Elder? or should I say Black Mage Xir?" The Elder grits his teeth. "What do you know!? I'll show you! I'll show you the real power of this stone!" The place erupted and the blue waves surround the Elder's body. "What a poor one. I'll end you with one shot. I'll show you why you're always wrong about power is everything." We both move towards each other and by the time we clash 'CLANG!' there was a bright light and a few seconds later, the Elder is lying there. I picked up the Stone and sheathed my sword. "Your stubbornness is your downfall." With that word I move out of the place and leave it.

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