Chapter 23 : Explaining time!

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Floor 80 : Discordia Town

Status : Boss Defeated

I looked at the black blade. It's glowing again. I sighed. After the battle with the Arachniapods, I got a lot of explaining to do. First off Leo. I apologize to him but he just wave his hand at me. He knew that it wasn't me that was doing all that. It was something else. I'm glad that it went well. "If you still feel bad about it, buy me a drink. After we get out of this place." I smile at it. "Yeah sure." I answered gleefully. Leo then looked at me "Slay, that girl that been with you, you gotta explain it to her why you're like that" I looked at Leo. "I know that Leo. It's my fault too for being weak.". After another conversation, we bid farewell and went to our separates way while I go to where Cydella and the other are staying.

I went to the inn and heave a big sigh. This is gonna take some time to explain. After I sighed enough, I opened the door and there sit Cydella, Sylvia and Nae. Waiting for my answer.


I sit down and looked at them. All of them have a serious face, especially Cydella. I looked at her. "Cydella I..I'm sorry for what Druor said to you. He was being cruel and disheartening to you all. I was weak. He easily took control. He does that to prove I'm wrong." The silence is killing me but I just continued. " Druor wanted to show me that I'am not a capable master. He wanted to eliminate everyone that is standing in my way of becoming a true master that he desired. So all in all again. I'm sorry. Especially you Cydella." I lowered my head. There was a moment of silence then suddenly, a burst of laughter fill the room. I looked at them and they offered me a hand.

"It's wrong for the Hero to lower his head like that right? You did save us." Nae and Sylvia said it. "You guys" I looked at Cydella and immediately hug her. "Thank you Cy!!" Cydella immediately pushed me off. "That..that's too embarrassing!" She stormed out of the room.

That day, we filled our day with laughter.

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