Chapter 47: Nae's Death Attack

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'Hello everyone! This is Aisa speaking. So we're finally on the final boss floor right? Looking back at our adventure, I guess we had a pretty good run (although I only get a few lines and not to mention I have a really low presence here T^T). So this is a recap of what happen so far, so here goes. Ahem. The story so far:- Slay and the rest (Including me) finally reached floor 100 where the final boss reside. There is a lot of things going on but they managed to stay together till the end. Before going in there, they restocked, upgraded, and powered up their current weapons and attribute for the final battle. With sweet promises made, they entered the dungeon door. As they entered the place, they were greeted by none other than the GM itself. After making a bet to Slay and the others, they fought the GM's monster. Without much effort they managed to defeat the monster and then returned to their former lives, but then Slay noticed something is wrong with the place as the date and time is similar to the time where he first used the VR to go into CWO. Running back into his room, he founded Aisa(me) and she aided him in escaping the fake world-: Well, that's just about it. Without further ado, I'll let the story continue! Ready? One! Two! Go!


I stand up. That's right. We're still in a battle. How foolish of me to fall for such low trick. But now that I know its trick, it won't work the second time. It seems that, the gas it releases trigger some kind of a hallucination that knocked us out and put us in a dream like state. I told them to be careful of the gas that it releases. All of them nodded. We geared up and assumed a battle position.  "Slay, got a minute?" Nae called me. which is really rare. I looked at him. "What is it?" He went silent for a while and then.. "Depending on your answer after this, we might be able to win." Okay. What is he planning? Now I'm curious. "What's on your mind?" Nae smiled and looked at us.


"That Nae, Do you think this plan will work?" I just smiled. "Well, I don't know about that but I'm ready to win this!" I said excitedly. The plan is simple. We're the bait. Nae will do his job. I'm guessing he know what is he doing because he was confident in it. "I got a bad feeling about this." Sylvia said. Cydella just patted her back and said don't worry. 


We approached the monster. "Yo ugly! Try and catch us!" It seem it is stupid enough to follow us around. "Not there! here!" Cydella throws a fireball at it. What a classic way of distracting it.  While distracting it, I keep an eye out for Nae. Just a little more. Please don't realize it. The thought that came up in me. "Slay! Watch out!" Cydella pushed me off to safety. Seems like the monster liked an a still prey. I readied my weapon."Thanks Cy" Nae. Where is it? Waiting for it took forever. Then finally we saw the signal that Nae send. Immediately, we performed a zig zag move. Moving faster to confused it, and it worked as it struggled to catch us. Worked perfectly. "Now! Lay it Nae!" I shouted. A loud 'Hiyarrgghhh!' can be heard as Nae goes for the kill. "Final Impact!" The ground is bursting with spikes as Nae plunges his sword into the ground. The monster try to run but due to us performing a stealth bind on it, it can't move. "Checkmate buddy." And then, the place, turned red and dark.

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