Chapter 33 : Zarthos Down

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[Caves Of The Forgotten Ones]

All of us unsheathed our weapons and are ready to attack. "I commended the bravery you all displayed to me. Most certainly you are the only adventurer who are brave enough to fight me. The others will just run away from me. Not that I care with it, but it surely will leave a bad taste in my mouth if they run around bringing other people here. So I had them put to 'sleep'." I can feel the anger in me going up. This monster has got to go!. I charged at Zarthos. With my first skill, I managed to cut his hand. His hand falls down to the cave floor. I looked at Zarthos and he smiled at me. 'Smiled? Not one bit of agony?'. Zarthos laughed. " This is good. This is good! This is the first time someone was able to cut me up! HAHAHAHA!" Zarthos steals a glance at me. "What's your name Hero?" I stand up. "Slay." Zarthos gives me a half smile. "Befitting for a hero who kills." . "Hey! Don't forget about us!" Cydella and Sylvia both cast a damaging spell on Zarthos. While the two of them busy throwing spells at Zarthos, Nae runs up to Zarthos and uses some kind of vanishing attack. In an instant he disappear and reappeared in front of Zarthos and sliced off his arm. I was impressed with Nae, who knew he had those skill. That guy just keep on surprising me more.


I gave them a thumbs up. "Nice going guys! Nae. That skill was awesome! Keep it up!" Nae pants while giving me a thumbs up as well. Suddenly Zarthos burst with rage. "Don't think with those few minor cuts you've given will be enough to take me down! I'm much more stronger than this!. I show you true horror." In an instant, the cave rumbled and Zarthos's severed hand and arm grew back. If that's wasn't enough, a pair of dark looking wings grew on his back and horns comes out of his head. He is becoming what looks like a demon. The transformation stops as well as the rumbling. What lays in front of us is a monster who guards the cave which has not only transform but also grew 8 feet tall. Something tells me, this battle has just begun.


Zarthos sneered at us. "No one has ever lived to tell the tale of this form. They were eliminated. Any last words heroes?" We all looked at him. "BRING IT ON!" All four of us answered his question which really annoyed him because in the next second, he attacked us all which we blocked. All of us move a few steps back and hide where he can't see us. "This guy is bad news. I can feel it." Nae told us. His usual goofy self is gone. Looks like he can be serious in times like this. "I agree with Nae. We need a plan." . Sylvia looked at us. "Guys, if you all didn't have any objection, I have a plan that I always wanna try." Sylvia said with enthusiasm.


"That's the plan. Everyone got it?" We all looked at each other. "Are you sure it'll work? What if he-" Sylvia cuts my conversation. "Don't worry. It'll work. Trust me Slay." I nodded. After that discussion, we all went to confront Zarthos. The moment he sees us, he immediately throw a ball of energy at us which we all dodged. "So, have you all made your plans? Let me tell you one bit of information. No matter what you all are planning, it'll never work. No one has ever lived after seeing this form." Zarthos said with full of confidence. "Right, right. Then let me tell you one bit of information too." I unsheathed my black sword. with both swords in my hands, the black and white aura appeared and engulfed me. Black and white tattoo also appeared and covered my arms. The Tattoo also reaches my face. New features maybe?. After the my transformation settled I finished my line. "I can transform too." Zarthos was taken aback by what I said. Nice. Everything's going as planned. Next up, is all up to you. Cydella, Nae, Sylvia.


Cydella's POV

There it is again. That transformation. This time it reaches Slay's face and his eyes! It's blue and is it me or is his eyes are somehow glowing? "Cy! what are you doing? Operation start! Lets go!" Nae shouted my name and it snapped me back to reality. We're doing it. "Human! With that transformation, are you really a human?" Slay laughed. "Yeah I am. Just that I'm a little special." They immediately exchange blows with Slay dodging every of his attack with inhuman speed. I must say, even I'm impressed with that speed. Is Slay really human in that form? I shake my head. This is not the time to be impressed. I moved to ambushed Zarthos with the others. We need to incapacitate him so that we can take him out easily. Slowly as we moved closer to him, we pulled out our weapon and immediately after we got close we proceed with the ambushed! We're almost close until Zarthos turns around and pushed us away. "Fools! You think I wouldn't noticed your presence getting close by? You're dead meat! Die by me!" Sylvia looked at him. "Looks like the ambushed didn't work but at least we can confirm one thing." Zarthos looked puzzled. "What?" Sylvia looked at Slay. "Your death. Now Slay! Finish him!" Zarthos turned around to kill the man behind him but did't have the chance as he was struck by Slay's finishing move. The move that always got me worried.


Slay's POV

Nice going Sylvia. Perfect plan. "INFINITY SLASH! MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!" I slammed Zarthos with my ultimate skill and watched as his health goes down as with my mine. Thankfully, His health isn't much as mine so killing him before my health goes down was easy. In a mere minutes, He goes down with me having much health to spare. I pants in exhaustion but still managed to give a thumbs up to them. As we regroup, we called out to Aisa who were hiding the entire time. We were glad that she is safe. Suddenly the cave rumbled and a small hole opened up. In it was a blue stone. I'm not mistaken. The blue stone is in fact the fragment of the Stone of Zeus! We took it out. Another victory. Just one more. The Forest Of The Wise one is our next location.



Hey ya! This is the writer here. So how was it? Man! the ideas just keep on coming. Sorry if the writing is bad as I'm still new in writing. So I've been getting this mail from my followers in textnovel as well as Wattpad. All of them asked the same question. Where is Aisa the whole time? Have I forgotten about her? Well here's my answer. No. I didn't forget about her but remember her first appearance? Mysterious little girl who asked the heroes to find some stone? Well I want her to be like a person who disappear and reappear again. Well all will be answered about who she is on the next chapter? or next chapter maybe? Just wait for it. until them, Enjoy the story

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