Pt. 1 Mask [Karma]

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Request from: @SushirollxX bruh. Es bae again <3

Karma walked along the streets, his ears plugged with his earbuds blasting music. He was bored as he strolled along, trying to see if there was anything for him to do. Moving past an alley, he stopped momentarily, thinking he saw something move.

'Hmm, I must be imagining things~' he thought, about to go about his way again. However, something far inside fell down, a few muffled noises erupting as well. Curiosity flooded him, and he turned off his music before walking deep into the alley. There was a corner, and as he followed the road where it had turned right, he saw a girl. She had soft looking (h/l) (h/c) hair as well as captivating (e/c) irises. The two made eye contact, and he realized from her uniform that she was his classmate, (l/n) (f/n).

"(F/n), did you make this mess?" He softly purred out, curious about this scene considering the girl's usual personality. In front of him laid 5 men on the floor, all beaten up and knocked out.

"Ehh~ Guess so~" A small smirk made its way onto Karma's lips as he saw (f/n) grinning cheekily.

"I guess you were lying when you told everyone that you were really weak, huh?" Karma was now completely focused on the (h/c), who lazily walked up to him.

"How rude, Karma. I really am quite weak you know." The redhead rolled his eyes and watched as she dusted some dirt off her clothes as she continued, "They were trying to hit on me and forcefully took me back here, probably in hopes of fucking me or something. So I got annoyed and started to beat the shit out of them. Disgusting things like them only deserve to be in the trash after all." The boy widened his eyes before chuckling.

"My my, (f/n)~ Who would've thought you had a foul mouth on you~?" The girl smiled innocently before skipping past him, humming out, "Who~? Lil ol' me~?" (F/n) disappeared, but not without raising Karma's interest and curiosity in her.

~Time Skip~

"Karma, I don't understand the math homework. Can you help me?"

"Eh?" The redhead blinked, realizing that (f/n) was standing in front of his desk. He had fallen asleep during class, and it was now lunch. But what somewhat surprised him was the (h/c) had reverted back to her usual behavior. Yesterday, he had seen her with an easy going and lazy personality that was somewhat similar to his own. But before that and now as well, she was acting... sophisticated.

"What happened to the you from yesterday?" The boy grinned, expecting an entertaining answer. Smiling, she replied, "At school, no one needs to know of that." Karma stared at her momentarily before chuckling and indicated for her to grab a chair and sit down. (F/n) gave a small smile, which only a certain bluehead caught.

"Eh? (F/n)-chan and... Karma? That's strange..." Kayano walked up next to Nagisa and chirped, "What is it, Nagisa~?"

"Ah, Kayano. Nothing really, just a strange pairing I guess." Nagisa wasn't the only one who thought the two being together was strange. Everyone started murmuring about the unexpected pair. The troublemaker with the sophisticated was surely odd, yet they somehow suited one another, especially when they smiled together.

~Time Skip~

"Why do you put up such a strange front in front of everyone?" (F/n) blinked, not expecting the sudden the question as the two were walking home together. However, she smiled and skipped in front of the redhead, before turning around and walking backwards while facing him.

"I guess it's a small habit of mine," she hummed out.


"I was never one to enjoy being straightforward and easily seen through. So I came up with a game where others didn't know about. It was to see if they could tell something was off about me and would crack my mask or not. Simply put, I was bored and wanted to see who would try to find a 'deeper' me." Karma stared at her, dumbfounded.

'She came up with such a facade as a game??' The redhead started to laugh, causing (f/n) to tilt her head in confusion.

"Ehh~ What's so funny~? I wanna know too~" The girl pouted, wanting to know what was so funny. The boy calmed down after a bit before grinning.

"You sure are twisted. Playing with other's feelings as well as your own." The (h/c) became even more confused. Karma just shook his head, saying in a teasing voice, "Never mind. It's fine if you don't get it. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow. See ya, Poker-face-chan~" The boy walked off, leaving her confused in front of her door.

"'Poker-face-chan'? What??"

~Time Skip (LOL THERE'S A LOT, IK)~

(F/n) woke up to something red and soft in her face.

'Wait. Red?' Sitting upright, she heard Karma hum out, "Oh, is Poker-face finally awake?" Looking around, she saw that Karma was giving her a piggyback ride while walking around inside a mall.

        "What am I doing here. And who changed my clothes?" The girl slowly started blushing, dreading the expected answer from the smirking redhead, who hummed out, "I said I would see you today~ And I changed it of course~" (F/n) covered her red face as Karma carefully set her down, pleased with his actions. He then grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a store. Sighing, the girl smiled as she let him drag her around.

      Inside a costume store, Karma grinned as he held up a phantom mask (those masks that cover only half your face), teasingly saying, "This was practically made for you, Poker-face~"

     "Eh~? Really? How so? And why have you been calling me Poker-face?" The girl puffed out her cheeks childishly, making the redhead grin even wider.

       "Isn't it obvious~?"

        "If it were so obvious, I wouldn't be asking, would I?" Karma chuckled at her response and placed the mask on her.

         "I guess so. Well, it suits you because you put up a mask in order for someone to try and see your real self. But they never find the real you, since you always keep up at least half of your previous act." The girl flinched and looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, a voice whispered out, 'He understands me.' But a second voice screamed, 'Don't see through me so easily!!' She mumbled out, "And the Poker-face?" Karma smiled.

      "You never show your emotions genuinely, only keeping up the same poker face in order to keep yourself from getting hurt. But I'm not really sure what happened to make you so scar-" Karma stopped mid sentence as he noticed a tear dropping from her chin. Sighing, he smiled sheepishly before pulling her into a hug, whispering to her quietly as the phantom mask dropped to the floor.

      "Now there's a genuine expression. It's OK, I've cracked your mask, so it'll be alright."


Edit** There's a Part 2 to this later on

Next up: nother Karma x Reader lololol

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