Babe [Karma]

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Request from: my mummy Ichigossu :D one Karma coming right up lmao

        The bell rang and the students of 3-E started packing up, chatting away about what they were going to do after school. Karma popped up behind a certain (h/c), who was quickly about to step out the door. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close to his body until they were touching, teasingly whispering in her ear, "Wanna come over to my house today, babe?" (😂😂)

       (F/n) blushed, slightly annoyed with his nickname for her (which she slightly disliked) and embarrassed from their close contact. However, she had no time to deal with Karma today, no matter how much she wanted to.

         Quickly pecking him on the lips, she pulled away and dashed out the door, calling out over her shoulder, "Sorry Karma, I won't be able to hangout today! See you tomorrow, bye!" Karma stared at her disappearing figure, slightly shocked, before sighing and deciding to head home with Nagisa and Sugino.


The three boys joined Isogai and Maehara on the journey home when they met at the bottom of the hill. Karma hesitantly brought up (f/n)'s strange behavior, to which the boys were now discussing.

      "I mean, she would usually mention plans before hand, so it's just strange," the redhead mumbled, to which the others glanced at one another. They've never really seen the "worried boyfriend" side of Karma before, and it was the only chance they'll ever get to tease him.

        Sugino elbowed the tall boy, smirking as he teased, "What's this? Are you actually the overprotective type?" The question stopped the redhead's furrowed eyebrows and brought horns out of his head, along with a devilish smile. Placing his arm around the bluenette's shoulder, he shot back, "And I'm surprised you haven't said anything about Maehara getting close to Kanzaki-chan~"

        That set the baseball geek off. For about five minutes, Sugino chased Maehara with bloodlust, while the other three watched, one taking blackmail snapshots.

      After the game of chase ended, Maehara groaned as he tried to catch his breath. Isogai handed him some water while stating, "Now, now. This really isn't the time to be killing each other. Let's get back to (f/n)-chan."

      Maehara finished drinking his water and joked, "Maybe she's dating another guy behind your back." The comment took the smirk off from Karma's face however while the others chuckled. But when Nagisa saw how the taller male was slightly pale, he exclaimed, "There's no way (f/n)-chan would cheat on you Karma! It was just a joke!"

       The redhead didn't hear and just walked off, thinking about how it might actually be the case. Sighing, he went home alone while the others hit Marhara for the insensitive joke.


      The next morning, Karma strolled into the school building, surprisingly earlier than most of his classmates. He was planning on just leaving his bag and ditching to think alone, a bit disappointed in himself for doubting his girlfriend. She was kind and amazing, sweet and honest. She couldn't possibly cheat because she wasn't capable of hurting others without feeling guilty.

       Opening the classroom door, he noticed the mop of (h/c) hair laid on his desk. Walking up to her, the redhead gave a small smile, one he would show no one other than her. However, it quickly turned into a smirk as an idea popped into his head. Leaning down next to her ear, he huskily whispered out, "Morning, baby~"

       (F/n) slapped her ear and shot straight up, her face covered with a deep crimson blush.

       "What the hell was that, BaKarma?!" Her blush drew him in and his smirk grew wider. The boy nonchalantly questioned, "Why were you sitting at my desk, babe?"

        The stupid nickname along with the question made the girls face burn a deeper red if possible. She stammered out, "I-I... I j-just missed you!!"

       The statement made Karma surprised slightly, before grinning sadistically. Pulling her into his arms, he smashed his lips against hers, causing the shorter female to gasp. Taking the moment, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, starting a heated make out  session.

       After he was finally satisfied, Karma pulled away, licking his lips as he teased the (h/c), "Did you have strawberries for breakfast because you knew I was going to kiss you~?"

       (F/n) could only bury her face in his chest in embarrassment while Karma chuckled. All of his worries disappeared just from a kiss; how simple he was. However, he smirked as he held his girlfriend tightly, ready to continue teasing her after school today.


      "Sorry, I need to go home today Karma. See you tomorrow though!!" (F/n) had once again rejected his invitation for a date, irking the redhead once more. This had been happening for four days already, where he would invite her after school and she would decline, quickly rushing home.

     Today was the fifth time, and he wasn't going to let her go. Karma waited until she was about a few meters away before following behind her. She really was heading home, since he was familiar with the neighborhood.

     As soon as she went inside the house, the redhead only grew more annoyed. What could she possibly need to do that was more important than him, her boyfriend??

      Finally unable to deal with it any longer, Karma rang the doorbell. As it slowly opened, a boy that looked his age with (h/c) hair opened the door. Shocked, Karma immediately questioned, "Who are you?!"

      The boy raised and eyebrow before answering, "You rang the doorbell." At that moment, (f/n) sleepily came down the stairs, rubbing her eyes before noticing Karma. Her sleepy face immediately lit up as she jumped into his arms, humming out, "Karma!! Wait, but I told you I can't hang out with you today?"

       Ignoring her question, he pointed at the boy and asked, "Babe, who's he?"

      The girl groaned at the nickname once again before answering, "My little brother. He's a year younger than me and my parents had a business trip so they him in my care. They don't trust him alone." Her quiet chuckle at the end, brought a smirk back to Karma's face. The redhead leaned down and caught the girl's lips while closing the door so her brother wouldn't see.

      What an idiot and uncharacteristically jealous blockhead he had been.



It just gets worse as you continue reading I'm sorry for being a failure OTL

Next Up: Isogay

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