Dork [Karma]

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Request from: @Hime-dere lmao tsundere would've been annoying to deal with so i just made her short tempered

(F/n) groaned loudly as Karma's smirk only grew wider.

"It's first thing in thing in the morning and you just had to come early today just to bug me??" She sent the redhead a death glare as he cried out in a fake hurt tone, "(f/n)-chan's so mean to me~ I woke up just for you this morning too!"

"Just to tease me, you asshole." With that, the (h/c) yawned as she dragged herself up the mountain while the taller male hummed his way up beside her. The humming started to bug the shorter female, so she punched his arm lightly.

"What was that for, (f/n)-chan~?"

"It was Karma," she snickered out, proud of her little pun as Karma cringed. They entered the classroom arguing over how bad/great the pun was, turning everyone's head towards them.

Nakamura giggled as she teased, "What? Lover's quarrel so early in the morning?" Karma cheekily smirked as he responded, "She keeps denying the undying love she has for me."

An irk mark appeared on (f/n) as she shoved Karma before walking over to Nakamura and flicking the blonde's forehead, earning a small, "Ow."

"You have it around. The only one who has an undying love for the other would be little Tomato-pyon~" (f/n) grinned in triumph as her (e/c) eyes stared in amusement at a ticked off Karma. Before he could answer, Koro-sensei slithered in, clapping his tentacles as he sung out, "Time for class~ Everyone in your seats~"

Karma grumbled something incoherent as he and (f/n) made their way to the back of the classroom where their seats were while the (h/c) snickered.


            (F/n) was quickly taking down notes when something hit her on the cheek and landed on the desk. She glanced at Karma, who was smirking, before sighing and opening the crumpled ball of paper. All that was written was, 'Dork :P.' The taunt successfully annoyed the girl, as her (e/c) narrowed and she scribbled out, 'Buttface.'

           Glancing up to check if the octopus was looking, she quickly threw the wad of paper at the redhead, successfully hitting his face. She snickered, catching Kayano's and Nagisa's attention. The two secretly watched their friends in amusement.

         Karma lazily read the so-called insult and smirked. He looked at her to see that her attention was back on taking notes. He took a few small bbs from his gun and threw them at her. She glared at him and mouthed, 'What now?'

        The redhead smirked before sticking out his tongue and pulling the skin under his eye down a bit. (F/n) responded with pulling her cheeks and sticking out her tongue. They started having a stupid face making contest, now capturing everyone in the class's attention.

         "A-hem." (F/n) froze as Karma clicked his tongue. The two looked away from each other and up at a purple x-marked octopus. Their classmates were giggling as the two sighed, waiting for the in-coming lecture. 

        "I'm sure you two know that class time is..." Karma started tuning out his teacher as he watched the (h/c) from the corner of his eye. He took in the silky looking (h/c) locks, her (body type) figure, her shining (e/c) orbs, and lastly her lips. The redhead stared at the (h/c)'s lips for a bit while blushing slightly before tuning back in to say, "Yes~"

         (F/n) sighed as Koro-sensei went back to teaching and stared down at her notebook.  Karma started poking the (h/c) in attempt to get her attention, but she tried to ignore him. After about five times, she snapped at whispered-yelled, "What is it?!"

        The taller male slyly smirked as he motioned for her to come closer. Curious, she leaned towards him, and he leaned in until their foreheads touched. Normally, contact like this wouldn't bother the (h/c), but for some reason, her heart started beating and her cheeks were dusted with a light pink.

            Karma snickered quietly as she mumbled out, "What do you want, your dork?"

           "Hey, that's my line."

           "Whatever. What is it??" Her curiosity was growing while her patience was disappearing. Everyone was watching them in secret; even Koro-sensei, who decided not to interrupt in order to see what would happen.

          Karma's signature smirk appeared before whispering out, "This."

          A confused, "What?" escaped her lips before she noticed Karma quickly lifting up a notebook to shield his action from the class. He leaned in and captured her lips with his own, mildly tasting strawberries. Surprised, she started to kiss back, but the blissful connection was broken when he pulled away, tapping his notebook on his mouth.

        (F/n) was blushing furiously and scowling as she straightened up, hissing out, "What was that for, you dumbass?"

         Karma smirked as he quietly hummed out in a teasing voice, "Your lips were looking lonely. I guess they were, considering how much passion you kissed back with."

         (F/n)'s face turned a deeper red, which she tried to hide behind her hands, only to earn a chuckle from Karma.


           (F/n) wrapped her arms around Karma's neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. It was lunch and Karma quickly dragged her to behind the building. He fully took advantage of the kiss from earlier as a sign of consent, and had quickly kissed her. The two had been making out for quite a while now, before Karma, being the mischievous prankster he was, trailed his hand down and squeezed (f/n)'s butt.

         The (h/c) immediately pulled away, her face flushed with a deep red as well as a scowl present. Karma pouted and questioned, "We can't~?"

           However, her response brought a deep red to his face. She leaned in to his ear and hissed out, "If you behave, maybe later at my house." She proceeded to move back into her original position and started to kiss him again.


         The (h/c) was scowling all throughout class, since Karma kept poking her and throwing bbs at her. Sighing, she ignored him until a neatly folded piece of paper landed on the corner of her desk.

         (F/n) curiously opened it and saw the words, 'Be my girlfriend, dork.' Ticked off, the (h/c) glared at the redhead before quickly scribbling something down and tossing it back at him.

         Karma smiled as he read, 'Did you actually have to call me a dork. You're a stupid boyfriend.'


Aha. Was that fluffy lmao. Hope you guys enjoyed that. I'm currently hella into Haikyuu!! and just keep thinking about my baby Kei. It might be why Karma might seem a lil like Tsukishima lmao. Tsukki, kei bb, why you gotta be so hot and torture me??? *rolls around and dies* (tobio is also bae tho but kei is #1)

Next Up: uhhhh is it actually karasuma??? Or was in a pervy octopus lmfao

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