Cruel World [Karasuma]

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Request from: @DarkMistressDragneel oH HEY LOOK. I WAS RIGHT LMAO IT IS SULKY BOY

Karasuma was one of those people that no one could ever tell what on earth he was thinking. All except for one; (l/n) (f/n). Karasuma sighed in frustration, raising Koro-sensei's and Bitch-sensei's curiosity.

        "It's rare to hear you of all people sighing when nothing seems to be wrong, Karasuma-san. What happened?" The raven looked up to see a green and yellow striped face and only became more irritated. Behind the slithery thing, Bitch-sensei's face was sparkling, waiting for a moment where she could make her move.

Karasuma grunted out, "I haven't been able to contact a very close friend of mine for about two weeks now. She's a military head like me, but it worries me when I can't talk to her. I've know her since a child, but I still hardly know what she's thinking half the time, when she can read me like a book."

The small rant left Koro-sensei and Bitch-sensei's mouths open. It was the first time Karasuma had ever talked so much about himself, and about a woman no less (to Bitch-sensei's dismay).

       "Ne, who is this person you're speaking of?" Bitch-sensei questioned, her curiosity getting the better of her jealousy. Karasuma slowly took out his phone a fiddled around with it for a few moments before quickly showing a picture. It was a (height), pretty woman with silky (h/c) locks framing her face and bright, shining (e/c) eyes. Her face was adorned with a cheerful smile and the rosy cheeks only made her seem to radiate even more.

Bitch-sensei and Koro-sensei both stared at Karasuma in shock. A voice from behind the teacher's room's door came, saying, "So Karasuma-sensei DOES have hormones in him!" Multiple shushes came as the octopus opened the door, allowing a group of students to fall into a dog pile on the floor. Nagisa, Kayano, Nakamura, Sugino, and Maehara all glanced up with a nervous style, while Karma only smirked.

         The redhead offered out, "I recently saw (l/n)-san. Just a few minutes ago in fact." The new info brought the military man to his feet as he grumbled out, "Where?!"

        Karma, deciding against teasing his teacher, mumbled out something about walking past the main building towards a shop on the corner or wherever. Karasuma-sensei hurriedly ran out the building and down the mountainside as everyone just watched his retreating back.

Arriving near the corner of the shop Karma was talking about, he saw a woman with (h/l), (h/c) color emerge from the entrance, her face adorned with a familiar smile that melted him, the emotionless killing machine. He quickly ran up to her and pulled (f/n) into a hug as she squeaked out his name in surprise.

"Karasuma?! Is that you?!" He pulled away to see her wide-eyed face change from shock to one that was giggling continuously.

"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" As the uncharacteristic words left his lips, (f/n) gave him a soft smile as she tiptoed to give him a small peck on the lips. Karasuma momentarily blushed but regained his composure as she placed her ear onto his chest, listening to the quick, steady beat of his heart.

"A few things happened here an there, but I'm back right now."

"...For how long?"

"..." The silence made Karasuma uneasy. He gently pushed her away and cupped the (h/c)'s face, only to see tears slowly pouring out the corner of her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"I-I...I'm staying for a while..." (F/n) tried to smile, but the raven easily saw through his childhood friend's fake smile, pulling her closer and embracing her tightly.

"Then I hope you'll be able to spend everyday with me..." The pointless words were only spoken in order to satisfy the lie (f/n) was telling. The two held each other tightly before the shorter female reluctantly pulled away. She tiptoed and kissed him for a long time before pulling away, whispering out, "I'll see you later..."

The quiet words struck Karasuma hard as he quietly mumbled out, "See you, (f/n)... I've always loved you..."

(F/n) smiled widely as tears continued to pour out, as she hiccuped out, "I've always loved you too, Karasuma..."

The male stood still as he watched her turn around and walk away from him. Slowly but surely, tears started falling with a small 'plop' onto the floor where he stood. No matter how many times he wiped them away, Karasuma couldn't stop the tears that were falling. He gave up and started hiccuping and sniffling as he used his arm to shield his face from the cruel world.


Ok that was sad and feely I hope <3 I've never really tried to make a sad one shot so I took the chance and tried with this one :3

So next week I have finals so I'm updating early so I can use the weekend and try to study <3 good luck with exams guys lmao

Next up: perty sure its a tentacle hentai. Literally. Koro-sensei x Reader Lemon LMAO

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