Improv [Karma]

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Request from: @Hime-dere lmao sorry it took me a month to write this man x'D Hope you enjoy~

Karma was walking along the streets when a tall woman in a suit stopped him, looking quite desperate.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but do you happen to be free? I need help!!" Karma looked at her face and took notice of the anxious features. Sighing, he nodded while humming out, "Sure, why not?"


Karma groaned as the stylist brought in outfits while the lady talked on her phone, bickering with the person on the other end. He hadn't expected the task to be filling in for a model.

'No backing out now...' he glumly thought as he changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, black formal shoes, a white t-shirt, and a grey sleeveless jacket. The stylist put on a wallet chain and a long necklace that held a thin metallic black and red ring.

"Thank you so much, Karma-san. You're a lifesaver! Also, please take good care of that ring. (F/n)-chan likes it quite dearly and we were only allowed to use it as a prop after a large deal of mainly begging." Karma held up the small hand ornament and studied it. It didn't seem valuable, but a small heart was inscribed on the inner part.

As he was ushered into the modeling room, Karma lazily glanced around to find his co-model. A sweet and soft voice hummed out hello from besides him and everyone greeted back.

Looking to his right, he saw soft and silky (h/c) hair and mischievous (e/c) orbs staring back up at him. Her straight face broke away into a smile as she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Karma-kun. I'm (f/n), your partner for this photo shoot," the (height) girl hummed out. Karma blushed and shook her hand, taking a minute to compose himself in front of the pretty girl.

"Sorry I'm not someone famous," he joked, an attempt to stop an awkward silence from appearing. She suddenly started to laugh, bubbly giggles escaping her lips as she tried to act professional. Grinning deviously, she made a hand gesture, telling him to come closer.

Karma leaned so that she could whisper in his ear. Bubbly still, she giggled out, "I actually purposely made (some male model name) sick. He's really annoying and I didn't want to work with him at all, so I slipped a powerful and invisible laxative into a drink and gave it to him a few days ago. He started shitting himself so much yesterday!!"

The two parted and both were laughing like children. Karma could only keep his eyes off her for so long, and as she looked up at him after her giggling ended, she hummed out, "I'm glad you're my partner now though. You seem really nice and fun to hang out with~"

Her words brought a pink hue to the redhead's face and he only muttered out, "It'll be a pleasure working with you" in response.

A clap sounded the start of the shoot, so (f/n) took Karma's hand and led him to the spot where they would model. Karma's blush only grew as he felt her tiny hands in his own.

The shoot soon started and Karma had to admit, it was actually quite fun. The poses with (f/n) were silly and entertaining, and he actually enjoyed it.

The photographer then walked up and said, "For the last shoot, we want you two to do something romantic. We'll take it whenever you have an idea and you're ready."

        Karma and (f/n) blushed as they looked at one another. However, (f/n) was a deep red mess that only made Karma fall for her even more.

         "How about something simple? It doesn't have to be a kiss for it to be romantic." As the words left his mouth, Karma inwardly cringed as he thought to himself, 'What am I saying??'

         (F/n) only blushed even more as she mumbled something inaudible out. The redhead leaned in closer as the (h/c) whispered out a pose. Now it was Karma's turn to become a blushing mess while (f/n) bashfully smiled. With a nod, they got into position.

       Karma sat down, his legs opened while one was bent. (F/n) sat in between them and the redhead wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. The crew around them cooed and only made the two's faces redder.

         (F/n) smiled, gesturing for Karma to do the same. The redhead gave a tiny smile as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck, while the (h/c) giggled. Camera shutters could be heard all around them, even cameras on phones. As Karma lifted his head, his still red face only turned darker as he whispered quietly, "Can I?"

         The (h/c) turned as red as his hair, but still gave a slight nod with a smile. Karma's signature smirk appeared as he leaned in, taking hold of her cheek in one hand and kissing (f/n) on the lips gently. Squeals of excitement and whoops of cheers could be heard around them. (F/n) smiled, turning around completely so her back no longer faced him and kissed back, placing both hands on his chest.

The kiss lasted for a short moment before they pulled away, both their faces matching Karma's red hair. The (h/c) tried to hide her face while Karma only chuckled. As she peeked out, she saw his smirk and her brows furrowed in annoyance at his teasing face. The crew was applauding them as the two laughed.

As they wrapped everything up, both were sent emails with pictures from the shoot. Looking at one another, (f/n) smiled as she hummed out, "Let's change our wallpapers and exchange numbers."

Karma chuckled and hummed out, "Let's make it the kissing one," causing the (h/c) to blush once again.


"Karma, what's that?" A group of boys surrounded the redhead and took his phone from him, turning it on and gawking at the lock screen. It was him kissing the famous model, (l/n) (f/n).

At the same time, everyone else ran towards him as Nakamura slammed a magazine down on his desk. It was filled with pictures from the photo shoot, and all the pictures taken from the kissing shoot.

Everyone, bewildered, started screaming questions at him. His phone rang and silenced his classmates as he plucked it out of Maehara's hand. Answering it, he hummed out, "Hello? Oh, hey there (f/n)~...Nah, I'm not busy...Right now? Mmk, it's been a while since we've gone on a date anyways...Yeah, I'll see you in a bit~... Love you too~ Bye."

Everyone's mouths hung open as he grabbed his bag and hopped out the classroom window. As he walked away, the redhead hummed as he listened to the chaos that erupted as he left it behind, only looking forward to his date with (f/n).



Just because I'm dead and incapable of feelings doesn't mean you guys can't get fluffy shit like this :')

EDIT: If you request without reading the request chapter there is a high possibility of getting a no-fucks-given response.

Next up: lmao idk

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