Listen Carefully [Karma]

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Request from: @Shirokuhime here's your second request~ :)

Karma secretly stared at the (h/c), who was currently peacefully sleeping, during the lecture. He carefully looked at her hand that held her head up, and took notice of her long, slender fingers. At the same time, he took in the beautiful features of her face; her long eyelashes, her slight baby cheeks, and the pink lips that his sight never shifted from.

Koro-sensei slithered over, ready to scold (f/n) for sleeping in class, but before he could, something unexpected occurred. The Akabane Karma raised his hand to ask a question, all so the (f/n) could sleep a bit more. Everyone's jaws dropped, and Koro-sensei was most delighted.


The (h/c) yawned as she walked home with Karma besides her. Turning to face him, she grinned.

"What?" He nonchalantly glanced at her, only to blush lightly at her goofy grin.

"Nothing~ What do you want to hear today though?" She opened the door to her house as they arrived and headed straight to the room at the end of the hall after taking her shoes off.

Karma dropped his bag near the entrance and followed her to the room like usual. Entering, he once again took in the beautiful grand piano that stood in the center of the room. He saw it everyday, but the music from it would always change. His time with (f/n) at these moments would always be treasured.

Glancing near one wall, he saw a familiar triangular case. Walking over to it, he opened the case and brought out the violin and bow that were inside.

"How about a duet? Brian Crain's Dream of Dreams duet?" His small smile only widened the one already present on (f/n)'s face. Eagerly sitting down on the piano stool, she hummed out, "It's been too long since we last played a duet together." With that, she started poking away at the piano, and Karma joined in soon after on the violin. (It's the youtube vid up above if you wanna listen. It's not mine obvi.)


As the song finished, (f/n) bounced up and tackled Karma in a hug, which he had to carefully make sure the violin and bow wouldn't break in. The two laughed, and each were music to the other's ears. The redhead set the violin back in its case as (f/n) continued to cling onto him.

"Hey Karma!" The redhead looked at her to indicate she should go on.

"Let's take part in the music competition nearby!" The (h/c)'s famous puppy face came out as Karma groaned.

      "Why? There's not even a prize since it's so small!" (F/n) pouted and left the room, leaving him alone with his guilt. Sighing, he went after her as he called out, "Fine!"


       As the two climbed up on stage hand in hand, they heard a few whistles at the back of the room. Looking up, (f/n) blushed as Karma clucked his tongue when they saw their classmates.

       The (h/c) shook from anxiety, but with a tight squeeze before he had let go, Karma easily calmed her down. She walked over to the piano and after waiting for Karma to set up, her fingers glided over the keys. The redhead closed his eyes and started playing as well.


       As the song ended, cheers echoed off the walls as everyone gave a standing ovation. (F/n) bashfully stood up and walked over next to Karma as they bowed. Glancing at him, she smiled as she whispered out, "Wasn't this fun?" He only responded with a smirk and an eye roll.


       The two sat in the park hand in hand as they stared up at the crescent moon. Besides (f/n) was the small trophy and money reward they had won, much to Karma's surprise.

       Snuggling closer to him, (f/n) whispered out, "I'm glad I get to do this with you."

        Karma smiled as he faced her, humming out, "I'm glad you taught me the violin when you first transferred in." He leaned in and captured the (h/c)'s lips in a sweet and gentle kiss.

       (F/n) smiled and returned it passionately. As they pulled away, she giggled out, "I love you, my little orch dork~" (shoutout to my friend that'll never read this. She came up with that name for me lol xD btw orch is referencing orchestra)

       Karma smirked, whispering out, "I love you too, my little key teaser~" before pulling her into another kiss.


Idk. This was some bullshit lol.

Next up: Karma x Idol Reader I'm pretty sure

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