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Hey there, awesome reader! Crystallurvesft here. This is my first try writing about real people so I'd greatly apperciate it if you guys do a review or comment go suggest ways for me to improve. I know its not often an author says that he/she welcomes constructive criticism, but i find that I will be able to better improve if you guys do so, so do me a favour and leave something behind!! Also, since you probably haven't read any of my fics yet, let me tell you about my style. I usually do different povs, but for this one I feel it is easier for you guys to read if I do it in third person. Before I start on the story, I'll always recommend a song and quote for you guys to enjoy. Since all of you are kpop fans, I won't be recommending kpop songs. So yeah.


Deep Sea Girl
By: Hatsune Miku


"Why is Tae taking so long....." Jungkook sighed. He was currently crouching in the closet of Jimin and J-Hope's room. He and Taehyung were playing hide and seek on the band's day off. It had been about ten minutes and the band's very own alien still hadn't found him.

Tired of waiting for Taehyung, he started to get up from his spot. Just as he stood up, Yoongi entered the room, a distressed Jimin tailing closely behind. He was going to greet them when Jimin spoke up.

"Please, Yoongi? I need this, I need you..." he trailed off.

"No! We can't do this anymore, can't keep this up anymore, can't do this anymore. I love someone, and it is not you. I don't want to do this behind his back!" Yoongi almost shouted. "I don't want to betray my own love, and I'm pretty sure you don't too, so man up and tell him!"

"No." Was all Jungkook could hear. The rest of it was a low mumble, and despite his straining his ears to catch that part, it remained inaudible.

Jungkook was taken aback. He hadn't heard his laid-back hyung raise his voice before. By then he had caught wind of his situation, and he couldn't say he liked it. He wasn't going to watch his hyungs do it before his very eyes.

But he had no choice. It wounded his pride too much to suddenly get out of the closet and say "hey, hyungs, I'm sorry to interrupt your session.", so he had no way out. But out of curiosity, he peeped out one of the many grooves of the closet doors.

Yoongi had his back turned to Jimin, struggling in the latter's strong grasp, glaring at the dancer. Jimin was attempting to take off the rapper's jacket, but failed. Seizing this oppotunity, Yoongi shoved lightly, throwing the younger off his balance slightly, and escaped.

Jimin let out a long sigh. He wondered how long he could keep this up without exploding. Casting one last glance at the room, he sighed again.

"If only you knew..."

To say Jungkook was relieved would be an understatement. He let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding and stood up, brushing his pants. But there was a foreign sensation in his belly, one he couldn't identify. He passed it off as curiosity and stalked off to find Taehyung.

The next few days, it was as if Jungkook became another person. He hung out more with Taehyung, which was not completely abnormal, but he refused to look at Yoongi and Jimin, only talking to the former when he had to. What was worse, he avoided Jimin at all costs, not sparing his glances, escaping when they were left together.

Only when he was alone in his shared room with Taehyung did he allow his mind to wander to Jimin. Just who was this person Yoongi had mentioned? What was Jimin's and Yoongi's relationship?

The weird sensation still coiled in his abdomen whenever he heard Jimin and Yoongi laughing together or talking, but he never thought anything of it. However, he did wonder why the two's realtionship seemed as normal as ever after their "fall out".

Sometimes he pondered on why he even thought about them. Jungkook found he could not stop his mind from straying towards the person he ranked seventh in looks.

Everybody noticed the drastic change in the usually noisy maknae towards Jimin, but only Jimin gave it furthur thought. As always, Jin was worried that something had happened to the youngest, but Jungkook refused to talk about it, so he had no choice but to give up.

Jimin thought it was very unusual. The maknae now would walk away quickly whenever he saw him approach, and avoided all contact and conversations with him instead of pushing him off occasionally. His heart ached, he knew the reason why, but he gave Jungkook the space he needed anyway.

He hadn't known it would last that long.

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