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So. I've updated twice in the past few days that are not part of the fic, so this is my apology to you guys. Um. As Zi Tao said, you guys are probably on your spring breaks now, mine started yesterday for a week, and I'll be boarding the metal bird home-bound, so expect more updates cause home=love=writing. Alternatively, Holidays=time=writing, both lead up to the same thing😂. One more thing, this chap is inspired by Jungkook in the fast food restaurant alone clip. But here obviously he does it with Chim.

Sakura Time Capsule


"How was your night, boys?" Jungkook's mother stood in the kitchen, frying something that smelled absolutely delicious, back facing them as the stumbled clumsily down the stairs.

Jimin giggled a little. "Thank you, Mrs Jeon." He chirped, mouth spreading into a full-teethed smile, as he gave Jungkook's hip a little squeeze.

Jungkook smiled a little at the gesture. "Good morning, mom. What're we having for breakfast?" He asked, just as his father entered the kitchen.

Jimin's eyes widened and scrambled to greet the man, hastily removing himself from Jungkook's hold.

"Hello, Mr Jeon! I'm Jimin, Jungkook's um, Jungkook's boyfriend!" He said, glancing a little at Jungkook to see if he was okay with revealing this to his father. Jungkook nodded, giving a nervous smile in encouragement.

"Dad, Jimin's my boyfriend." Jungkook confirmed, makig Jimin's geart soar. It was the first time they had called each other that before others.

Jungkook's father inclined his head slightly. "Make each other happy." He said lowly. He was a man of few words, but he meant every word he said.

Nothing was said after, as they sat themselves on the high stools at the island in the centre of the kitchen, but not before they helolped Mrs Jeon set the table.

Breakfast was a blissfully normal affair, and peaceful for once. In their dorms, breakfast was chock-full of chatter and noises, in general, and anything but normal. It was a nice change, to be relaxed and not to worry about schedules and rushing about, for once. They knew there was nothing they would trade to be the way they were now, but sometimes they need some downtime.

After breakfast, Jungkook and Jimin decided to go out for a date and hang around their favourite places in their hometown. They head out, clad in matching outfits. They had white button ups, with slightly different designs on them. Jimin's had splotches of blue over his heart, while Jungkook's had red lining the collars and cuffs. Both were wearing jet black boyfriend jeans(the ripped kind). They opted out of headwear, but had to wear black masks to attempt to shield their identity.

Strolling down the street, Jimin grabbed hold of Jungkook's sleeve to make the hold seem inconspicuous. It brought a slight smile to Jungkook's face, hidden by the mask. Jimin tugged, breaking into a slight run. Jungkook was dragged along, and forced to follow after his boyfriend(my heart expanded after typing this). Jimin giggled as Jungkook's fingers found his own sleeves, determined not to let go of him. Wind whirred by them as they laughed wholeheartedly-the first time in ages.

When they slowed to a stop, Jungkook realised they were in front of a strip of beach.

"Wow" they breathed, taken aback by just how long they haven't seen Busan's beach.

The sea blew a breath of breeze at their faces, bringing with it a salty taste on their tongues. Linking their hands as the place was deserted, they swung it in between them as they walked leisurely along the sandy ground.

Jungkook basked in the silence, thumb rubbing across the knuckles of Jinin's hand. Then, he swung their hands up to his lips and brushed the pads of Jimin's fingers against the soft flesh of his lower lip. Jimin watched, breath knocked out of him as the loving gesture made him fall even deeper, if it was even possible.

They had stopped their footsteps, facing each other. Emotion swirling in their eyes as Jimin brought Jungkook's palm to cup his face, his own, smaller palm over it. He turned his face slightly to nuzzle his hand as Jungkook's eyes dragged over his features, tender gaze making Jimin feel like he was on top of the world.

They both felt invincible, their love bringing the best out of each other. They knew it wasn't practical to say they would be together forever, but they knew that they wouldn't be letting go of each other without putting up a fight.

I'm sorry for this super short chapter, really. I'd like to do a last call on the voting in my second-previous chapter on what I should do next. So far, the compilation of BTS ships is winning, by one I think. That idea will be only for the boyxboy ships in Bangtan, no readerxmember, sorry.

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