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Hey there! I'm really happy that you are reading this, fellow ARMY! (I'm assuming you all are ARMYs cause why else would you be reading this). I hope that you like this chapter, and I hope that you all will continue to show support and also criticism to this fic! Other than that, I need to explain why I used this idea for a chapter, cause I see a lot of fics and authors using the 'jealousy' card, then making the characters make up, but I personally feel that jealousy is a bad thing, a result of mistrust, which is exactly what Jimin and Jungkook have, so I'm making them drift apart more. Happy reading!

Ed Sheeran

Of course, dinner with everyone was as awkward as ever. Both Jimin and Jungkook still had the video they had unconsciously recorded in their minds on replay. Scenes of the other's just-woken-up look were etched in their brains, and no matter how hard they tried to scrub the thoughts away, they couldn't help but wander back to it.

And then there was the staring. Their eyes always stray to the other even if they trained their gazes solidly on the food in their plates. Which was the best they had ever had from Seokjin, who accomplished his personal best. But, well, lets say that if they weren't so focused on each other, they would have noticed the better tasting dinner.

After dinner, they promptly headed to bed, anticipating what was to come the next day-a fan meeting in Busan.

Tomorrow arrived, and the members found themselves being ushered into a van after hurriedly grooming themselves. The ride to the location was filled with words exchanged among the boys, and soft snores of those who had not gotten enough sleep last night.

After an hour long drive, the group were whisked away by the stylists to complete their makeup, hair as well as outfits. They were dressed up in clothes that befit the theme of their latest album, hair and makeup done virtually perfectly.

Finally, they got up, massaging their cramped legs and bottoms, and headed towards the room full of screaming girls and a few boys. As they entered, the cheering got louder, cameras started clicking away, and an unidentified man's voice announced their arrival.

They sit down, unhurriedly, while waving to everybody. Of course, they introduced themselves and each of them took hold of a mic. to say their thoughts and how excited they were. Needless to say, the small crowd went wild at each member's speech.

Then, of course, came the signing segment. All the fans lined up rather orderly, waiting for their turn to meet the idols. As the queue inched forward slowly, much like how a line moves when one is rushing for time, Jimin found himself getting annoyed by how Jungkook flashed each and everyone of the fans a dazzling smile and playing games with them.

Unconsciously, he extended a hand, poised to grab hold of the younger's sleeve when a familiar name jolted him out of his trance.


Jimin snapped his back at lightning speed to the person seated before him. It was a girl, who had on a grin so wide it looked like her face would split into two any moment, eyes that crinkled up when she smiled, and long, natural black hair highlighted with mint green(this is in honour of Tae's hair in the concept photoshoot). Jimin could recognise those features anywhere. Well, maybe everything except the hair.

"Nari(this means lily, symbolising purity)!" He exclaimed, hands shooting out to grab her hand to test if she was real. She was.

They conversed animatedly, mostly because Jimin had not seen her since he debuted due to busy schedules and distance. Nari was a friend from his arts school, and they had been best friends, still were, even though they lost contact temporarily.

Their conversation garnered the attention of Jungkook from the start, and he was half-heartedly talking to a fan while listening intently to Jimin and Nari.

At the end of five minutes, Jungkook learned that the two were an inseperable duo and that Jimin was inviting her over after the fan meet, when the boys had two hours of break before heading out for their concept photoshoot.

A sinking feeling settled in Jungkook's belly, a feeling he has gotten accustomed to ever since that incident. He tries to ignore it, and all but succeeds in doing so, the feeling starting to spread to his chest, leaving a dull ache in its wake.

Meanwhile, Jimin was exchanging numbers with Nari while accepting two white lilies from her. Jungkook knew that those flowers were meant to represent the girl and that Jimin would most likely keep them forever even after they wilted, because he was that sweet guy who helps everybody hold tge lift door open. And he wanted nothing more than to tear the blossoms from them and rip them into pieces, but who was he to do so? He had always rejected Jimin's affection, and now that it was gone, he wanted it back.

Who do you guys ship in BTS?

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