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Hey guys! I'm back with another chappie!! I'm so sorry I took so long to update the continuation of the story, but I hope this one will make up for it!! Side note: I'm using You's lyrics for this fic. Its by Henry cause For Love's lyrics don't suit this chapter. I'm going to use it for one of the slot in chapters I'm gonna do. I'll let you know when I post it. I also changed the lyrics a little cause I thought some parts didn't do the song justice. By the way, "jakku jakku(자꾸자꾸)" means over and over or repeatedly. Its best explained in chinese, where it translates to "从来, 从来".

For love
The Sam Willows


Once again, the start of my day is you
I'll hold your hands
I'll be your boy, you'll be my girl
I want to tell you, yeah

Junkook slowly rotated his head from left to right, easing out the kinks in his neck and the muscle aches from allowing his head to loll back and forth during the ride. He glanced around, the unfamiliar surroundings startling him a little before he realised where he was. He turned towards his right. Beside him, an angel was leaned back on his seat, head on Jungkook's shoulder, resting on the juncture where his neck and shoulder met. His orange hair was spread around his head in a halo that tickled Jungkook's neck. Jungkook looked down to their legs. They were pressed together, a pair of intertwined hands resting in the crevice between them.

In the small world in my heart, you are there
I will look into your eyes and carefully hug you
Together you and I

Jimin stirred. He snuggled more into the body that was providing him warmth. A chuckle reverberated from said body, vibrations travelling throughout his own body. He pries his eyes open. The image takes a few seconds to focus, but when it does, he never wants to take his eyes off it. Jungkook watching him sleep? Now, that's new. The younger was scanning his eyes over the Jimin's features, and finally came to rest on the once closed, now open, windows to his soul.

We'll be like Shalalala
Yeah Baby Shalalala
I feel so excited for some reason
I don't know why

They both feel a rush in the pits of their stomachs, not unlike the feeling they get just before they go on stage. It's excitement, they conclude, but they don't know what for. Jimin thinks its because he's anticipating their future together. Jungkook thinks its because he knows the future will be better, much better, with each other around. They bounce their ideas back and forth to while away the boredom during the train ride back to their hometown.

Every time I breathe, it's you
Every time the clock hand moves, it's you

They eventually decide to play multiplayer games on their phones and wait as the clock ticks.

I think of you every time I walk
I keep thinking of you
Again, it's you, every time my phone rings, it's you
I want every person I pass by to be you
Over and over again

Jungkook wonders mid-game that if an alternate reality where they aren't a thing exists. He feels sorry for other-Jungkook.

Yeah, tell me what you think
What you do think?
I've never been like this
I'm losing my way
All day, I only think of you
I'm becoming a fool

Jungkook tells Jimin this. Jimin nods his head fervently, and Jungkook wonders how shaking one's head at that speed is possible. Its like all he can think of is Jimin now.

We'll be like Shalalala Ooh
Yeah Baby Shalalala
I quietly laugh by myself
I don't know why

He chuckles, a little. Jimin asks him what the hell is wrong with him. Jungkook shakes his head, deciding to keep the thought to himself lest he stops seeing the cute act altogether.

Every time I breathe, it's you
Every time the clock hand moves, it's you

Jimin gives that signature pout, and even though they're both wearing black masks that cover their mouths, Jungkook can see the ghost of it in Jimin's eyes. Maybe Jungkook will never be able to resist it, even after eternity has passed.

I think of you every time I walk
I keep thinking of you
Again, it's you, every time my phone rings, it's you
I want every person I pass by to be you
Over and over again

Jimin thinks of the various reasons that made Jungkook laugh. Maybe he did something embarassing without knowing it. He ponders and ponders, till Jungkook thinks that pout is going to be permanantly etched on his face.

Do you know how I feel?
In case I lose you, I'm nervous every day
I realized, you know that I won't let you go

Then they look at each other, giving each other warm smiles underneath the masks. They tell each other that they aren't planning, aren't going to let each other go. They make the other promise to make up when they fight. Because no relationship is ever smooth sailing, is ever unicorns and rainbow-petalled roses.

Because it's you
Every time the clock hand moves, it's you
I think of you every time I walk
I keep thinking of you
Again, it's you, every time my phone rings, it's you
I want every person I pass by to be you
Over and over again

They arrive, and retrieve their luggages to alight the train. They get off, of course greeted with fans that are delighted to have bumped into them, who ask for signatures, pictures and handshakes. There weren't many, so they decide to entertain them before heading off to Jungkook's place.

Mmmm. I hope you liked it. I feel very satisfied after venting out my stress from the first weeks of school and the tears from having to leave dance in a couple of months. I dedicate 'Never Forget You' by Zara Larrson to this 98 people that I know by name, who I can consider as close as blood-kin. To all of you sweet girls and funny guys, I hope that you uphold our reputation of being the most formidable dance troupe, the ones who always get a gold or distinction. To all from my batch, I hope we will still stay together as the current leading batch, and as bonded as we are now. To all my and our direct juniors, I hope you lead dance well in the future. To all our sec 2 juniors, I hope you whip the sec 1s in shape. Show them the dance spirit. When I was in sec 1, my seniors told me I would miss dance greatly. I didn't believe them, but now I do. Its an empty feeling, and I know that no other dance group I join will ever be like this one.

Anyone has had a similar experience as me?

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