Come Back Home (chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

Lauren sat against her doorway for nearly half an hour until she heard her phone blowing up.. she quickly got up hoping it was Camila that had changed her mind.. She wiped her tears, and ran to the couch where her phone was placed..

She anxiously picked it up to hear Camila's voice, only to realize it wasn't her, but Rob her best friend of 10 years.

" What the hell, Lo why wouldn't you answer my call? i've got a bowl of popcorn, and Netflix on the big screen, you coming down?"

" I'm not.. i'm not going anywhere.. i don't want to go anywhere..", Lauren nearly spoke.

" Wait.. what? what the hell happened, Lauren?"

" She.. she left me..", by now Lauren couldn't hold back her tears, and broke down on the phone with her best friend.

" Who left you? "

" Camila.. she fucking left me.."

" What do you mean she left you? like to go to the store? on vacation what the hell are you talking about? "

" No she left me.. she fucking dumped me, she said she's tired of my bull crap.. and that she's filed for divorce. Do you have any idea of how i feel right now? my fucking life is over.. i can't think of my life without her."

" woah woah, Lo.. i had no idea this was even going on? why would she just leave you like that? she's so close to giving birth. She needs you more now than ever.."

" It's what i told her, but she had her mind set straight.. she was leaving today, and its exactly what she did. There was nothing i could do, or say to stop her..."

" But for what other reasons, other than her being tired of you? "

" That girl i hooked up with twice... she found out about her.."

" The girl that was all over you at that one party in Miami? "

" yes.. her..", Lauren rolled her eyes, she was tired of being asked so many questions.

" I though she was only a one time thing? "

" Yeah, well she did this thing with her tongue that i liked when i was drunk.. now stop asking so many fucking questions. "

" i'm just trying to be your best friend, Lauren..if you weren't always so hard headed maybe Camila would be next you right now.. and i'm not trying to be an asshole, even you know that i'm right.."

" Maybe that's why i feel like complete shit.."

" I'll be there in 10 minutes, i'm bringing ice cream, and a few chick flicks.."

" How about you bring some hard liquor please.. i need to drink pain away.."

" Hm maybe, my little beauty queen.. i'll be there soon.."

" you know if you weren't gay, i'd think you were hitting on me..right after my wife just dumped me.."

" Even in your sorrow you've got jokes, Jauregui.."

" Just hurry up, Rob Rob.."

" Be there soon, love.."

Lauren placed her phone back down, and even though all she wanted was to be alone, she figured it probably wasn't the best idea. She sat down on the couch, reached over to the coffee table to pick up a picture frame with her and Camila on it.

" This was on our first date... how did i ever let it get this bad, babe...", Lauren shook her head as she remember the first date she took Camila on, and ran through a series of flashbacks. She remembered how the young brown eyed girl was so shy, and her cheeks would blush every time she called her "beautiful". She remembered the smallest details, from the color earrings Camila wore to something greater, like the color dress she wore..which was light blue.

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