Come Back Home (chapter 5)

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A/N: song for this chapter.. Poison & Wine by the Civil Wars :)]

Chapter 5

Lauren couldn't believe what Camila had just said.. when just a day ago she talked about getting a divorce.. Lauren closed her eyes, and smiled, it all felt like some dream.. a perfect ass dream..

" Are you..are you sure, Cam? ", Lauren wasn't sure if she should ask, but she figured she should..just in case.

" Now..", Camila's voice was low, raspy, and out of breath..but all it took was one word for Lauren to know it was more than okay.

" Okay..", Lauren slightly shivered, and it wasn't because it was cold.. She quickly looked for a way to pick her up without hurting her.. and once she held her, Camila sunk right in her arms.. just like she always did..

" God, you're so fucking beautiful..", Lauren whispered into the surface of Camila's cheeks as she finally stepped inside their room, and placed her on the bed.. a scene she had seen one too many times, but this time it was different.. This time meant more than just make up sex.. it was about making Camila feel like she was truly loved, and making her feel infinite..

Lauren missed her skin, her scent, her taste.. she missed every single thing that made up Camila's being..

The green eyed girl laid next to the woman that she loved, she picked up her hand as they intertwined their fingers, " These beautiful hands.. that i should've learned to take better care of.. these beautiful hands belong to the woman that i love.. and now you, and i are here.. I want to love you.. i want to love you so much, just in case i don't get a tomorrow with you, but at least i get a today.. This right and me.."

Camila's eyes were closed, she smiled at every single word Lauren said, " Your words..why do i love them so much.. what is it that you do to me, Lauren.."

" Tell me that you love me.. please, just tell me this once that you love me, and that this is real.. that you and i are meant to be.. please..", Lauren gently picked up Camila's chin, and faced her..

" I love you, Lauren... I seem like hate you on the outside, but on the inside i'm miserable without you, and i need you... i need your voice at night, i need your fingers tracing my skin.. i need your stupid jokes at 12am because i woke up from a bad dream... I'm in love with you... i have always been in love with you.."

" I know you love me.. i just love when you re assure me...", Lauren smiled.

" Lauren..", Camila whispered.

" Yes? "

" Shut up, and kiss me... " Camila opened her eyes, and they were darker now.. Lauren knew she wanted it just as bad as she did..

Even with the pregnancy Camila seemed to get turned on about 10 times more than the usual, and of course Lauren loved it.. They were young, full of life, and with more than enough sex drive..

The green eyed girl was always gentle with Camila.. pregnant, or not she always treated her like a fine jewel during their intimacy.. Lauren kissed Camila, and she slid her hand in between her thighs spreading them apart..

" Oh, god.. yes, you're so fucking ready..", Lauren's voice shook as she felt Camila's wetness in between her fingers..

" i .. i missed you...", Camila moaned, and it turned Lauren on even more...

She teased her.. she sucked on the side of her neck, and caressed her inner thighs.. Camila's body began to tremble in excitement for what was to come next..

" I know you did, pretty girl..", Lauren smirked, as she gently slid two fingers in..

" Fuck..", Camila's breathing was so heavy, and she gripped on the side of sheets..

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