Come Back Home (chapter 11)

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Chapter 11

(A/N: For this chapter listen to: " Safe" by The Icarus Account.. thanks To my girl for the suggestion.. i love you. )


Camila's eyes filled with even more tears.. she felt Lauren rub against her belly, so gently.. she closed her eyes, she never thought she could possibly miss her touch any more than she already did, " Lauren... baby.."

Lauren could barely open her eyes, but she somehow still managed to move her hand.. although it was faint, and gentle Camila could feel how much she had missed her as well, " I know you missed me just as much baby.. Ava, and i have missed you, even more.. I'm just so happy that you're responsive now.. I need you to get better.. not to rush you, or anything.. I just.. really need you.."

Camila kissed her hand, and placed it back down on the bed so she'd rest.. She suddenly heard the door open again, but this time it was Lauren's mom.. Camila quickly turned around to face her, and began to cry once again.. although she had never stopped.

" Sweetheart..", Lauren's mom walked to her, placed her arms around her, and embraced her in a long hug.

Camila didn't say anything, she just cried harder..

" I know this is a lot to take in...but my daughter fought hard.. she fought hard for you, and she is still fighting.. everything will get better. Believe me.. that girl is a fighter.."

Camila raised her head to look at her, " I know.. it's just so hard not having her... all i want is the best for her.."

" Camila.. you know you're what's best for my daughter.. And I'm so sorry about everything that has gone with your marriage, but she loves you.. she loves you more than she loves herself.."

" I need to tell you something...", Camila took a deep breath.

" What is it sweetheart? "

" I'm not going through with the divorce.. i love her... i'm not giving up on her, nor our marriage.. Lauren taught me to not give up.. I will fight for her the same way she fought for us..", Camila placed her hand down on her belly, and closed her eyes..

" That makes me so happy... you have no idea how happy it'll make Lauren as well... she told me about her plans, and about how all she wanted was to make everything better for you, and Ava.. she called me late at night when you left her... i had never heard my daughter so devastated.. i could feel her heart breaking.. she told me she couldn't sleep, and that she missed holding you, and caressing your belly.. You, and Ava are her home.. and all she wanted was to have her home back.."

" I regret hurting her the way that i did... i regret it, if i would've stayed none of this would've happened.. if i had only believed that she had changed.."

" Don't be to hard on yourself, Camila.. you needed your time, and so did she.. she was so used to getting everything she wanted, when she wanted, i think she had forgotten what it felt like to fight, and work hard for something that you want... Although, she has had success as an adult, it wasn't always that way.. she had it tough growing up, and you more than anyone knows it.. her dad left when she was young, i doubt she remembers much about him...but she made it though, regardless of the circumstances..."

" Although, i had both my parents growing up.. I love when you tell me stories of when she was least the happy parts.."

" Well for starters, she was rebellious, and hard to handle at times.. but she had the biggest heart.. Lauren has always been the type to defend the people that she loves, and cares about, and she doesn't care who it is.. she will fight for you, and for justice. I could never get her to keep quiet, if she saw some type of injustice, she'd do whatever she could to make it right.. i can't count the amount of times i'd get called from her school because she'd get into some type of verbal argument with her teacher, or a student...and it wasn't always verbal, let me tell you that much..that's the type of person she is.."

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