Come Back Home (chapter 10)

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Chapter 10

Lauren ran out of the hospital, she felt the cold air hit her face like an explosion.. she felt like she had gotten punched right in the stomach, " She.. she lied to me...".. Lauren constantly repeated to herself.. she placed both of her hands on her head.. " I'm gonna fucking lose my mind..", if karma was real.. this was probably just the beginning..

" Hey, Jauregui..", the loud rough voice came from behind her..

Lauren turned back around to face him, " See how pathetic you are.. the first chance you get to be free, you run off, like the coward that you are.. I knew you'd never change.. you just love getting Camila's hopes up..", he repeated.
Lauren stood still, unable to speak, all she could do was hold still..and try to catch her breath...

" Well, aren't you going to say anything? this isn't like you.. you're usually such a bitch to anyone that says one simple word to you..", he mocked her, and she hated it.

" Oh, don't tell me you're crying because Camila lied to you about who the real donor was? just face reality... after all, if you really think about it..she's having my child, not yours..."

Lauren couldn't even speak all she could do was cry.. she hated him.. she never thought it would be possible to hate someone as much as she hated him.

" You know i used to be so intimidated by you.. Camila thought the world of you.. in her eyes you were perfect, with your infidelities and all, but she saw no flaws in you.. and as much as i hated the thought of her loving you with everything in her, i ironically admired you.. i admired the fact that you could have so many women on you day in and out, and still have the most beautiful, most unselfish girl waiting for you at home.. You failed her, but i will pick her up, i will take care of her, and that child the way you will never be able to.. I'm gonna go be with her now.. if you ever really loved her.. leave.. leave, and never come back.. trust me, it'll be the best for her..the best for Ava.."

" You... you will never love her the way that i do.. and she will never in her life, not even if her memory was erased, or if she was born in another lifetime, she will never love you... I am her beginning, i am her end.. She is mine.. her heart, and her soul are mine too... You could never understand that, i don't expect you to, and i do not care if you do.. That is my wife, and that is my child.. you will never be able to feel Ava kick when she can't fall asleep, and it drives Camila crazy... you will never kiss, and rub her belly first thing in the morning, and lastly before you close your eyes.. as for Camila.. you will never come home to her after work, and feel her lips on yours.. never the way i felt them.. You will never know what she fears most, nor what takes her breath away at 6am.. you don't know Camila Cabello.. you don't know her at all, as much as you like to pretend... she's in love with me.. she would travel the earth back and forth if it meant she'd be with me.. you know this, i know this.. for god sakes the child inside her knows it.. she feels our love.. you should see how much she moves when i tell her i love her.. you say you'll 'have my family' but you will never have them the way i do.. Camila and Ava are mine.. and there's not a damn thing you could do to stop that.. ", She wiped her tears off and her skin became pale.

" You keep telling yourself that you're whats best for Camila.. but you're not.. You're the worst thing that could've ever happened to her.."

" It's not about me.. it's about Camila.. and about our child.. I would do anything for the both of them.. one more thing, not that i have anything to explain to you, but i need to ask my mom some questions.. she's not answering her phone, so i'm gonna go look for her.. Camila is resting, the nurse is with her.. so if i ever asked you for a favor, it's to please let her rest.. she doesn't need extra stress.. I'll be back soon..", Lauren turned around, and began to walk towards her car.. she was still heated, and couldn't believe she had held herself from breaking his face.

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