Come Back Home (chapter 8)

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Chapter 8

A/N: (Explicit content)...It gets a little steamy towards the end.. enjoy!

" Being here with you.. in this moment, and this particular place is the greatest feeling in the world.. i want to keep us here forever..", Lauren closed her eyes, and felt the breeze hit her skin.

" Well..that sounds nice, but have you heard of frost bite?"

".. the sarcasm.. the sarcasm never ends does it? "

" No... but neither does this moment..", Camila smiled.

Lauren looked deeply into Camila's eyes, not really sure of what she meant, " And by that you mean? "

" You keep this day, and this moment in your heart.. for as long as you live.. you'll remember this place, and how you once proposed to me..but you'll also remember when you brought me here, with our baby inside me.."

" Of course i'll always remember.. i remember every single thing about you, Camila.. the way you mumble in your sleep, your favorite perfume.. the way you smile when you open your eyes after i say 'good morning, sleepy head', the way your voice changes in tone when you're worried, and scared that i've hurt myself.. the sound of your voice after such a long day... i have that, and so much more stored in my heart.. you are my heart.. "

" I need you to know.. that no matter where life takes us.. no matter where.. I'll be here, Lauren.. you, and i have something no one else will ever understand.. they could never live it, the way we did... and if one day you fall deeply in love with someone else.. even then it'll be so much different from you, and i.. and our story.. it's ours, forever.. nothing in the world could ever replace it.."

Lauren's eyes filled with tears, " But your words.. you say my words give you goosebumps, but you have no idea what yours do to me.."

" And i mean every single thing that i say to you.."

" I know you do... and while we're here.. i once promised to love you every single day of my life, and i intend to keep that.. I could never.. never love anyone else the way that i love you.. and thinking of it, especially you saying it hurts me.. because we both know that my heart could never love anyone that isn't you.. regardless of what I've done in the past... and you know it, Camila.. if you didn't know it, you wouldn't smile every time i wrap my arms around you, or kiss your forehead.. you know my heart is yours.. you know it because i'm so fucking corny with you.. i don't even recognize myself.."

Camila quietly giggled, and her cheeks were even more rosy.. the weather was obviously cold, but the way Lauren made her feel was like nothing else, " You're not corny.. you're so romantic.. and you're about the sweetest girl in the world to me.."

" You deserve so much more.. i wish i could give you more than snow, and a frozen lake.."

" I don't know what you're talking about because i think this is the most perfect place to be at.. the snow is magical.. which i haven't seen in so long.. and the lake frozen.. honestly how cool is that? all we need are ice skates, if you ask me.."

" You mean ice skates for you because as far as i'm concerned i suck at it!"

" That's because you're not willing to try new things, Lauren.."

" Yeah, well i'll show you.. i could probably skate better than you.. just saying..", Lauren crossed her arms making sure than she had made her statement clear.

" Yeah, sure..Jauregui.. i need to go to the market real quick, is that okay? "

" Yes, of course.. i'll get whatever you need.."

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