Chapter 21: Visitors

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Chapter 21: Visitors

*Kensi's POV*

I finally got to the last page of the neverending stack of paperwork. The other guys were still working on theirs'. 

I placed the page in my outbox, and put my earbuds in to escape the world for a few minutes. The upbeat techno music droned out the worries and fears that were absorbing my life.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hetty talking into her office phone, an annoyed look on her face. She began to yell into the receiver and I saw Callen glance up from his work to study her. As soon as she was off the phone, he got up to go talk to her. I zoned in on them and tried to lipread what they were talking about. 

Hetty: What Mr. Callen?

Callen: Who was that?

Hetty: The Director has requested the Jethro and his team come out and we assist on their latest case. Apparently there was a direct connection on their current case to our's.

Callen: What case? We dont have one.

Hetty:  Well if you wait a few minutes I'm sure Eric will call you up. Now go finish your paperwork. 

Callen headed back towards our bullpen. I took out one earbud so I could hear what was going on.

"What was that about?" Sam asked when Callen sat down at his desk.

''Gibbs is coming to Los Angeles with his team." 

"Wait, so McGee, Ziva, and DiNozzo are all coming?"

"Apparently." Callen shrugged. 

*Whistle!* "The case gods have given us the gift of work. Come hither in the Ops center!" Yelled Eric from upstairs. We all got up and ran up the stairs.

"This other team, why are they coming?" Deeks asked as we went up the stairs. I forgot he has never met Gibbs or his team.

"I think our cases are related, but it's weird that they all are coming. Usually Gibbs or Director Vance just comes. Tim McGee came once too with Gibbs, but Ziva and Tony haven't been out here ever.

He nodded, obviously still a little confused.

"Meet Robert "Bobby" Trak." Said Nell when we got into the Ops center. "He is the suspect in a case that the Washington office is on, but somehow he got onto a plane to Los Angeles. According to the case file, he is a biochemist that was working with anthrax. Trak went rogue, and stole the entire collection of anthrax samples from the lab. The first sign of an anthrex outbreak was a Petty Officer that checked into the emergency room and died eight hours later."

"That's really fast for anthrax." Sam pointed out nervously.

"One of his collegues said that Trak has been working on an advanced version that was going to be used to help make a vaccine in case anthrax ever gets weaponized. Instead he took off with the samples that are very deadly and very fast acting."

"We will wait for Jethro and his team to get here and brief you in more depth. We are just assisting on their investigation, so play nice kids." Hetty said and walked out.

"Anthrax? That's really bad." I whispered to Deeks. 

"I know. Its really painful too." 

"If we don't shut this down, then Trak could cause another incident like the Amerithrax case in 2001, but with a bigger body count."

I glanced over and saw the sliding door open and Gibbs strode in followed by McGee, DiNozzo, and Ziva. 

"Wow, the place looks even better in person." Gibbs smiled, shaking Callen's hand warmly.

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