Chapter 10- Alone

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Chapter 10- Alone

*Kensi's POV*

I knew I needed a break. I'm always told that I work too hard, and sometimes I also agree with them.

But being away from my team, my family, felt wrong. I've missed them during my week away.

The sand crinkled beneath me, and the cold ocean water teased my toes. I was sitting on an empty beach, staring into the open water. For some reason I was drawn here, and the rolling waves calmed my nerves.

"Look who's at the beach. Seems like I've rubbed off on you after all." Laughed a familiar voice. Deeks sat down next to me.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked.

"You're kidding right? I basically live in the ocean when I'm not working."

"That's true..."

"Talk to me Kens." Deeks urged.

"And what am I supposed to talk about?"

He paused, and looked down to the sand.

"Tell me about Jack." He almost whispered.

My heart slowed at the mention of my ex-fiancé's name.

"Why do you want to know about him?"

"Because you only drop hints about him every once and while. You still haven't told me about him since the Talbot case."

I stared out at the waves. The sun was beginning to hit the horizon.

"I met Jack ok an airplane. He was just transferred to the base in LA. I was visiting a friend. We sat next to each other on the plane, hit it off, and when we got to LAX he asked me out. We dated for over a year. I was hopelessly in love with him." I was smiling, but tears welled up in my eyes. "On New Years Eve, we were at a small party with some close friends. When the countdown began, he got down on one knee. At the stroke of midnight he asked me to marry him. I accepted. 

Two weeks later, he was told he was going to be deployed to Fallujah for a year and a half. We wrote letters back and forth, him talking about the war, and I told him about news in the states. When he finally came home, things between us were different. He was distant, had frequent nightmares and flashbacks to the war."

"PTSD." Deeks muttered.

"Yeah. He was sick. I helped him with his meds, talked him through his episodes, and...cared. Even through all that, it didn't change things. On Christmas Day, I woke up and he was gone. I haven't seen or heard from him since."

I looked over to Deeks. He was gazing out into the sunset.

"I'm...sorry." He ran his fingers through his thick hair.

"It's been years since he left. It's okay, Deeks." I reassured him.

"Yeah..." He trailed off awkwardly.

"Now that I told you, why did you really want to know about Jack?"

He laughed silently.

"You think there's another reason?"

"As a matter of fact, I do!" I said, turning to him. He faced me, also.

"Fine. You win. I needed to talk to you, and that was the first subject I could think of."

"Why did you need a reason to talk to me?"

Deeks got up and put his hands on his head.

"It's complicated, okay, Kens." He said.

I also stood up.

"It's not complicated. We tell each other almost everything. We trust each other. Just please tell me what's wrong."

He turned around and stared into my eyes.

"Because Kensi." He almost whispered. "I-"

"KENSI! DEEKS!" I heard someone call from up the beach. We both turned and saw Callen running towards us.

"Why weren't you picking up?" He yelled.

Deeks pulled out his phone. I saw twenty new calls from Callen, Sam, and Eric.

"Sorry I was, uh, busy." He glanced over to me. Callen rolled his eyes, and motioned us up towards the parking lot. Sam was waiting in the Charger.

"Are you ready to come back to work?" Sam asked me softly.

"Are you kidding? I've missed you guys!" I grinned.

We sped off towards Ops.


"Mr. Deeks and Ms. Blye. You will be going undercover as a married couple to try and get close to a group of sleeper agents in a neighborhood."

"Again?" I gaped.

"Yes, Ms. Blye, again. Get ready to be Matthew and Josie Herd"

"Can Kensi's name be changed to Fern?" Deeks smirked.

"Shut it before I shut it for you." I warned.

"Love you too, Honey-bunches." And he made a heart shape with his thumbs and forefingers.

I groaned, and threw my hands up in frustration.


We packed up undercover clothes, went over our aliases, and quizzed each other on our "pasts". Two weeks later, we were ready to tie the knot.

"Here are your rings." Hetty said, and handed us each a golden wedding ban. I inspected the gorgeous diamond implanted in the smooth gold. It was small and simple, but still beautiful.

"Now, here are the keys to your house. You have a week to unpack, move in, and begin to meet some neighbors. After you establish some relationships with the neighborhood, you two will begin to draw out the sleeper agent."

"How long will we be undercover?"

"The faster you find the sleeper cell, the faster you two can get a divorce."


I do not own ncis la or any of its characters.

Chapter 11 coming soon! Sorry this one was kinda short:/

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