A class field trip (bad day)

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Nobody POV
Today was a school field trip day. Their field trip was to go visit a museum near town. At tenma class they were all going except for Aoi and shinsuke. Tenma wonder why they aren't going.

'Why aren't you guys going?' Tenma ask shinsuke catch cold and Aoi catch cold too.

'Oh you guys are sick alright, never mind I'll go alone hope you be better.' They nodded at tenma and smile at him. They were having a last lunch and break time. Then they went to the club room asking who's going.

'Hey Mina! Are you going on the field trip today tomorrow?' Tenma asking they all shake their head. Tenma ask one by one.
'Shindou-San?!' Shake his head. 'Kirino-senpai?!' Shake his head. 'Tsurugi?!' Shake his head. 'Kurama-senpai?!' Shake his head. 'Anyone?!' Shake their head.

'Ohh looks like I'm going alone.' He was really angry that no one is going with him. He ran outside angrily. Before he left he shouted one word 'why?!?!' Then he ran out from the club room.

'Tenma??!!' The others wanted to follow him but suddenly they was told to wait in here by endou kantokun.

Tenma headed in the bus of the field trip their were so many people in their. Tenma didn't felt angry anymore but he just felt sad that he wasn't able to go with his friends or even tsurugi. He wondered how tsurugi is doing as well.

On their way they stop at the museum. It's was pretty big and old as well. But it was the artifact of the heroes of earth billion of years ago. Tenma brought his camera with him. He took some picture to showed to Aki and the others.

After then they all had lunch. Tenma didn't eat his lunch that Aki pack up for him instead he was still taking picture to showed his friend and Aki as well.

Later on they all head back in the bus and was driving. Tenma sat at the front seat of all. He was look at his camera. It's started raining tenma put his hand out of the opening window to feel the water. He felt so refreshed. The road was slippery and the driving are driving in full speed as well.

Then it's was 4:30pm in the afternoon. The sun goes down the driving is old so he started to drive crazily. Tenma was putting on a seat belted in case something goes wrong. The driving suddenly lose vision of his eyes. Then a big truck head up in a fast speed and crash in to the bus.

It made the bus and the truck burn some kids got in but the fire were on them. For tenma the fire was burning every where him some help him up. His friends help put the fire but he got crashed badly so the ambulance were here the newspaper were also here.

(Back at Raimon)
'I wondered how is tenma field trip? We made him feel bad because we can't go with him!' Shinsuke said sitting near Aoi. Aoi were patting his back with a smile.

Then haruna rushed in. 'Mina! Bad news, bad news.'

'Woah what is Haruna-San?' Aoi ask haruna. So they all stand up with worrying what is the bad news.

'The field trip bus got crash with a big truck that made the bus and the truck burn up as well. Their were many kids who ran out from the fire, but who the one who are not survive was fews only three or four with the bus driver and the truck driver as well, included..'

'Included who? Haruna-San.' Tsurugi ask worriedly, haruna stood up and look to everyone. Especially Shindou and tsurugi.

'Tenma! Tenma was included in the burning as well. He is now in the Inazuma general hospital.' They all widened their eyes and ran off. Tsurugi was worriedly he almost cried out.

When they got to the hospital kids that were injured got their skins burned up. They were worriedly what will tenma be then they saw Aki ahead. They ran up and open the door of a room with tenma name on it.

When they all got in tenma body was like a meat which was burn in a little part. Tenma forehead was wrap by a bandage and he was covered up with blood and black burned skin on his both hand till his elbow and most of his leg as well.

Aki felt bad that if she shouldn't allow tenma to go this won't happen. Tenma after the bad news they head home sad and disappointed about themself that they couldn't take care of his friend and each other as well.

Time past by, tenma was still resting they got their planning menu of a day after school they all meet up and talk to tenma even though he was sleeping but they hope that he could hear them telling about what happened outside.

They did the same thing day, by day by day. Today was the Saturday so their was no school aboard. They all were planning to see their captain when they all crash in to each other. So they decided that they will all go together.

They all arrived at the hospital.

'Hey Aki-San, tsurugi and Yuuichi-San we want to visit tenma please allowed.' Aoi ask. Aki told them all to come in. She didn't mind.

'How are u tenma?' Shindou sat near a chair and ask tenma the question.

'Is captain waiting for a princess to kiss you so that you could wake up, captain. You supposed not to be sleeping it's the princess that need to be sleeping, captain the princess is waiting for you. Captain?' *whack* Kirino hit kariya head.

'Kariya, what is that all about? Think before u say anything man! You are such an idiot.' As Kirino said tenma suddenly smile which made Aoi noticed.

'Tenma?! You can hear us, tenma why are u smiling, are you trying to laugh because of how those two are fighting tenma?' Tenma hand moves a little. Then he opens his eyes. They were so happy. 'Tenma!!!!!' Tenma made even a bigger smile that almost fits the oxygen mask.

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