Fun time

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Shindou POV
We were at the club room discussing with kantokun about our new training. I'm holding the captain position for now until tenma got out. Kantokun and the others seem happy than usual, I think because of yesterday. I am so happy that everyone are happy, for tsurugi his best friend is hurt he look worried and now he was staring at the chair that tenma usually sit with Hikaru and shinsuke.

Tsurugi POV
I missed tenma, when ever he's not around. His laugh, his smile, and his idea too made we have fun. Tenma I never got to tell you my feeling how I felt when you not around, tenma wish u get better soon so that I could  play soccer with you once again. Tenma!!

Nobody POV
'Alright, everyone we will not have any practice today but we will go and visit our little captain and soccer freak as well. We will make him have fun, for today. But don't annoy him so much ok.' Endou said as they was staring at each other.

'What kind of fun? You know that he couldn't play soccer with us.' Hayami ask as endou just stood their freezing.

'Jeez, guys don't you understand the word fun. Fun means joke and kidding around. Alright! Let's go' endou screamed. As they walk out of the club room. They all head to the hospital as fast as they could. When they got their tenma wasn't in his room or either Aki. Then walk and walk trying to find tenma.

While they were walking Endou met fuyuka and decided to ask

'Umm fuyupe where is tenma?' Fuyuka check on her list.

'Oh tenma, with Aki! They at the surgery room. Walk straight and you'll get their.'

'Arigato fuyupe!' Endou thanks her. 'Na it's alright.' She continue where she headed and so as the Raimon.

When they got their Aki was waiting outside. The others was worried. But then Aki told them that tenma is alright they don't have to be worried. After a few minutes later tenma were back in his room. He's seem more better than before. They are so happy. Then tenma's wakes up.

'Hey, tenma. We came to see you.' Shindou said as tenma smile.

'Captain, please save me from this eternal sleep. Please captain please.' Kariya said as Kirino walk behind and smack his hurt.

'You want eternal sleep than I'll give you.' Kirino as kariya ran outside shouting he doesn't want anymore.

It made everyone laugh except for tsurugi and tenma they were staring at each other. Tsurugi gave a smile at tenma and tenma gave a big one to him.

After then they were eating onigiri that Aki made. They were so delicious. Aki were helping tenma in eating because he was unable to moves his hand yet. Tenma and the others ate a lot.

Then Shindou call his made, to bring him the DVD in his room. Those DVD is the DVD that him and Kirino usually watch together. Their were a lot of them, but they choose only the funny one for tenma. Shinsuke were siting on the bed next to him. As tsurugi brought his brother and Aoi and Midori go and brought Taiyou with him as well.

'Tenma, this is going to the funniest day you ever had. Alright, were going to make you laugh until these burn on your skin peal all out.' Shinsuke ask it made everyone laugh at him. He blush a little than continue to move near tenma.

The movie start they laugh a lot of time. But tenma was just watching he want to laugh but he couldn't because his inside and every where of him is still hurt.

After they finish the movie at 5 pm they say goodbye to tenma and head home. Tenma was been send to the nurse room to heal the burned up faster. After than he was send back. Tsurugi stay late talking to tenma. Tenma was asleep but he was just pretending.

'Tenma, get well soon. Tenma hope u get better as well. I am so bored with out you, soccer freak. You know that everyone is so happy that your awake. Well it's getting dark I got to go bye.' He said goodbye as he leave the room. Tenma smile a bit then sleep. At 5:00pm, Tenma suddenly felt hard to breath and his body was burning badly. He was about to shouted when he suddenly ran out of energy in his body and he was weak. He faith down.

What will happen to tenma this time? Let's continue and see

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