Do you feel the same way as i do?

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Tenma POV
After the fight with Ixal fleet we had a gift from queen lalaya we head back to earth. We were sitting in our own sit. I was feeling so great after tsurugi was back. We landed on earth. I walk around a bit, I was so surprised that Aki and sasuke were sitting on the bench with the others and endou including Gouenji.

I ran and hug Aki so as the other came to their friends. After the meeting we got a party at the club room. Everyone came including, Taiyou, Yuuichi-San, and Hakuryuu as well.

Nobody POV
'Hey! Tsurugi how u doing my friend?' Hakuryuu said walk up to tsurugi and they grab their hand shaking.

'I'm good very good.' Tsurugi replied then turn to look at tenma who's talking to Aki and Taiyou as well. Hakuryuu noticed that tsurugi might felt something even more than friend to tenma.

'You have feelings for him.' Tsurugi widened his eyes. Hakuryuu smirk and then smile.

'Nani?! What u saying! He's my best friend my greatest rival, why?' Tsurugi blush with deep red.

'Never mind! You'll understand soon what I'm going to say.' He said then left. After the party we all had home. Tsurugi help his brother home as well.

'Kyousuke, do you have something in mind, that you like to share or keep in secret!' Yuuichi ask kyousuke they all sat in the park for a while. Tsurugi decide to tell about his feeling for tenma.

'Nii-San you've heard what hakuryuu said. Yeah! I love tenma, his back back then when we fight in the galaxy, makes my heart beat fast. I know that tenma will have the same feeling as I do as well.'

'Well ok, I'll keep it secret for you.' Yuuichi replied and look up at tsurugi who get up from where he is and waves to the sky.

'Earth eleven are back earth!' Tsurugi said. As they continue heading home.

To tenma he was talking to sasuke. Aki was about to walk out when she heard tenma talking with sasuke.

'You know what sasuke, I never felt so close to anyone before. I felt normal when I am with Aoi and shinsuke and you too. But why do I felt so close to him instead. He use to be my enemy and a seeds that was under control by the fifth sector as well. But why do I felt like loving him more than anyone else I'm met. Tell me, sasuke. Tell me why? Or maybe I was feeling this for a long time but I didn't noticed. Do you feel the same thing as I do, tsurugi?'

Hello minna!!! This is my new story. It's kind of short but I hope you enjoy.

I love you all!!!


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