A day with tenma (tsurugi POV)

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Tsurugi POV
I woke up and head out for a walk. I was happy to see that tenma is okay. We'll have our match in two days. I spend most of my days with tenma, while my brother was with the doctor for check up.

I kept talking to tenma well it seem that he hear me. Tenma I missed you so much. I thought to myself. As I made way to the desk with the TV on. I switch it on and came back to sit on the chair next to tenma's bed.

'Tenma, wake up and watch the TV with me. Tenma!!' Tenma didn't replied as he just slept their silently. About two or three minute later some of Raimon came. Their was Shindou, shinsuke, Aoi, kariya, Hikaru, Kirino, and Endou kantokun.

'Hey tsurugi you was with tenma last night didn't you?' Shindou ask, I shook my head.

'No, not at all, Shindou-San. I slept with my brother, and go for a walk then I came back and sit over here till then.' Then kariya give a smerk and said

'Ohh, tsurugi-kun love tenma-kun! Yeah got ya!!' Kirino peek up behind him and whack his head. Kariya screamed badly.

'Shhhhh! Kariya!?' Everyone put their hands on their lips and scolded kariya, trying to keep him quietly so that they don't hurt tenma even more.

'No It's alright! Yeah what ever you say!' I said and turn to look at tenma. After then kariya and Kirino had an argument. Endou was just sitting down and close his ears. As shindou and Hikaru tried to break those two away.

After then Aki came in with two big lunch boxes with her. She was shock to see the screaming inside the room. They apologize for all of that. Aki told them to take a sit and eat Onigiri that she made. She called me in as well before she went out.

I didn't go in but when I heard someone came in. Aki push by brother on his wheel chair in.

'Nii-San, did Aki-San invited you too?' He nodded. I have him a smile and joined with all of them. Nii-San ask Aki about tenma.

'How is tenma-kun, Aki-San? Is he getting any better?' Aki look down with a frown face.

'Nahh! Tenma seem as usual. Only his burn is getting better. Nothing much I expected from him. But I hope he doesn't end up like the other kids. That died because of the burn inside their organs. What about you, Yuuichi-kun? How your leg doing?' He finish his onigiri as he smile at Aki.

'Thanks for caring, but I am getting better. But I mostly slept out because all the dreams, I have since tenma in hospital.' It made everyone stop eating and look at each other.

'Nii-San what about those dreams? Got any clue?' I ask then Shinsuke and Aoi add up.

'Umm, you got any Yuuichi-senpai.' He smile at them and told just something about his dream.

'Well I was dreaming that, tenma is out of hospital and play soccer with you all. That' saws the dreaming when tenma wake up. But yesterday I was dreaming the most excited dream I ever had in my life.' He paused and continue eating.

'Excited dream?' Aki and endou said at the same time as they all at each other.

'What about that too, Yuuichi-senpai?' Hikaru ask. Nii-San stop eating and hand his to me for just a hold. I took it from him as I continue to eat mine.

'Well, kyousuke said you have a match tomorrow right? I dream that you were failing but then tenma woke up and went to Raimon. I can only tell you that much sorry.' He take his from me and look at me and smile.

After that they all been worried about Nii-San, Aki tried to cheer them up. Their spirit woke up again and remembered the promise they made with tenma. Before leaving they all said some words to tenma. Shindou-San started first.

'Tenma, you will always cheer on us right?' Then kirino step up.

'Tenma, no captain give us your soccer spirit.' Then kariya step up.

'Captain, I'll be waiting for you. To come and help me. Ohh then captain, the promise we made for you.' Then Hikaru step up.

'Get well captain, so that we can play soccer again.' Then shinsuke.

'Tenma, wake up soon. When you will you will see us handing you a gold trophy.' Then the last is Aoi at first she didn't said anything but then she walk up to tenma beds and hand him a Raimon flag in a small size.

'Tenma I print this up for you. Hope that your holding this and continue to cheer on the Raimon, tenma.' They said as they rush out and leave. Aki and endou decide to keep that flag with tenma. So as they leave, I stay up with tenma after they all gone said some few words and then head home.

'Tenma, remember we will bring you a big surprise when you wake up. Tenma, get better soon.'

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